Supervisors are used to build an hierarchical process structure called a supervision tree, a nice way to structure a fault tolerant application. …
之前,在 [Erlang 0126] 我们读过的Erlang论文 提到过下面这篇论文: On Preserving Term Sharing in the Erlang Virtual Machine 地址: 摘要:In this paper we describe our experiences and argue through examples why flattening t…
官方资料参考: Module:terminate(Reason, State) Types: Reason = normal | shutdown | {shutdown,term()} | term() State = term() This function is called by a gen_server when it is about to terminate. It should be the opposite of Module:init/1 and do any necessa…
转自: 如何利用Vim进行Erlang开发 by Martin J. Logan on September 9, 2013 译者: ovalpo 2014年7月28日 原文:How to use Vim for Erlang Development 译文:如何利用Vim进行Erlang开发 [题外话:第一次翻译这事,骂吧!] 你会学到如何使用Vim作为你的编辑器来进行Erlang开发.你将会学会如何…