[GraphQL] Apollo React Query Component】的更多相关文章

In this lesson I refactor a React component that utilizes the graphql higher-order component to the new Query render prop component baked into react-apollo. Additional Resources: What's next for React Apollo import React from "react"; import { r…
In this lesson I refactor a React component that utilizes a higher-order component for mutations to the new Mutation render prop component baked into react-apollo 2.1. Additional Resources: https://dev-blog.apollodata.com/introducing-react-apollo-2-1…
When using useQuery from Apollo React Hooks, the request will be sent automatically after the component has been mounted. This might not be the desired behaviour as we might want to send the request in response to user action (for instance, after a b…
GraphQL + React Apollo + React Hook + Express + Mongodb 大型前后端分离项目实战之后端(19 个视频) GraphQL + React Apollo + React Hook + Express + MongoDB 大型前后端分离项目实战之后端 #1 介绍「03:32」 GraphQL + React Apollo + React Hook + Express + MongoDB 大型前后端分离项目实战之后端 #2 GraphQL「04:11…
GraphQL + React Apollo + React Hook 大型项目实战(32 个视频) GraphQL + React Apollo + React Hook 大型项目实战 #1 介绍「03:42」 GraphQL + React Apollo + React Hook 大型项目实战 #2 搭建 Apollo 客户端「15:44」 GraphQL + React Apollo + React Hook 大型项目实战 #3 写好路由「04:07」 GraphQL + React Ap…
React & styled component https://www.styled-components.com/#your-first-styled-component tagged template literals https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Template_literals#Tagged_templates https://www.styled-components.com/do…
GraphQL & Apollo & Vue https://www.howtographql.com/vue-apollo/0-introduction/ https://github.com/prisma/graphcool-framework https://www.graph.cool/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20zGexpEitc&t=3s https://slides.com/akryum/graphql https://git…
React Query & SWR HTTP request all in one solution React Query Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React https://react-query.tanstack.com/ https://github.com/tannerlinsley/react-query /* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/anchor-is-val…
react slot component with args how to pass args to react props child component https://codesandbox.io/s/react-slot-component-with-args-n11d1 OK https://codesandbox.io/s/react-slot-component-with-args-idhib function component, pass slot child componen…
react hooks & component will unmount & useEffect & clear up useEffect & return === unmounted import React, { // Component, useState, // useRef, useEffect, } from 'react'; import { getTrackPicsIdImg } from '@/services'; import "./index…
Graphql with Apollo, Meteor and React: https://janikvonrotz.ch/2016/10/09/graphql-with-apollo-meteor-and-react/ 源代码:https://github.com/janikvonrotz/apometact/blob/master/client/ui/MainLayout.js ======客户端部分 import React from 'react'; import { Meteor }…
The React component lifecycle will allow you to update your components at runtime. This lesson will explore how to do that. import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; export default class App extends React.Component { constructor(){…
The previous lesson introduced the React component lifecycle mounting and unmounting. In this lesson you will learn some simple uses for these hooks. import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; class App extends React.Component { con…
React components have a lifecycle, and you are able to access specific phases of that lifecycle. This lesson will introduce mounting and unmounting of your React components. import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; export default…
The React component lifecycle will allow you to update your components at runtime. This lesson will explore how to do that. Updating: componentWillReceiveProps componentWillReceiveProps(object nextProps) Invoked when a component is receiving new prop…
The previous lesson introduced the React component lifecycle mounting and unmounting. In this lesson you will learn some simple uses for these hooks. <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8">…
React components have a lifecycle, and you are able to access specific phases of that lifecycle. This lesson will introduce mounting and unmounting of your React components. Mounting: componentWillMount Invoked once, both on the client and server, im…
You often find duplication between the name of a prop and a variable you will assign to the prop. JSX allows you to spread an object containing your named props into your Component which enables you to avoid the repetition of matching prop names and…
Facebook 本身有提供 Test Utilities,但由于不够好用,所以目前主流开发社群比较倾向使用 Airbnb 团队开发的 enzyme,其可以与市面上常见的测试工具(Mocha.Karma.Jest 等)搭配使用.其中 Jest 是 Facebook 所开发的单元测试工具,其主要基于 Jasmine 所建立的测试框架.Jest 除了支援 JSDOM 外,也可以自动模拟 (mock) 透过 require() 进来的模组,让开发者可以更专注在目前被测试的模组中. Component…
Component state 实例: import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; export default class extends PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { time: '' }; } componentDidMount() { setInterval(() => { const now = new Date(); let { tim…
Imaging you are building a Tabs component. If looks like: <Tabs> <TabList> <Tab> one </Tab> <Tab isDisabled> two </Tab> <Tab> three </Tab> </TabList> <TabPanels> <TabPanel> content one <…
In this lesson, we extend the styles of a base button component to create multiple variations of buttons, using "extend". We can then modify the base styles in one place, and have all button types updated. import React from "react"; im…
In this lesson, we'll refactor a React component to use Ramda lenses to update our component state. We'll create a lens to focus on the property we want to target and use over to apply the existing state value to a utility function and we'll get back…
component component:用户自己定义的元素 const element = <Welcome name="Sara" />; class Welcome extends React.Component { render() { return <h1>Hello, {this.props.name}</h1>; } } 遇到自己定义的component Welcom,React会将它的属性(name)作为对象传递给组建Welcom,即{…
1.什么是Component,PureComponent? 都是class方式定义的基类,两者没有什么大的区别,只是PureComponent内部使用shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps,nextState)方法,通过浅比较(比较一层),来判断是否需要重新render()函数,如果外面传入的props或者是state没有变化,则不会重新渲染,省去虚拟dom的生成和对比过程,从而提高性能. 2.PureComponent应用 一般用于纯函数 3.Component源码分析…
React's inline styles allow components to stand on their own by not requiring any external CSS. However HTML's style attributes don't support pseudo selectors like :hover and :active. By using Radium to listen to mouse events we can restore :hover an…
Combining input streams then using scan to track the results is a common scenario when coding with streams. This lesson walks you through setting up two buttons and merging their input events together to build a streaming Counter component. const Cou…
Component存在的问题? 1). 父组件重新render(), 当前组件也会重新执行render(), 即使没有任何变化 2). 当前组件setState(), 重新执行render(), 即使state没有任何变化 解决Component存在的问题 1). 原因: 组件的componentShouldUpdate()默认返回true, 即使数据没有变化render()都会重新执行 2). 办法1: 重写shouldComponentUpdate(), 判断如果数据有变化返回true, 否…
graphql是一种用于 API 的查询语言(摘自官网). 我们为什么要用graphql? 相信大家在开发web应用的时候常常会遇到以下这些问题:后端更新了接口却没有通知前端,从而导致各种报错:后端修改接口字段名或者数据类型,前端也要跟着改,同时还要重新测试:项目涉及的接口数量繁多,如果是使用typescript的话还要手动的一个接口一个接口的去写interface.如果项目中使用了graphql的话,以上这些问题都会改善很多.利用插件,graphql能够自动化的生成接口的相应typescrip…
React + GraphQL 2020 速成课程 technologies React (to build our user interface) GraphQL (to get and change data in a declarative way) Apollo Client (to allow us to use React and GraphQL together) Hasura (to create and manage our GraphQL API + database) im…