Chapter 1. Introduce】的更多相关文章

前言 本书全名是<H.264 and MPEG-4 Video Compression, Video Coding For Next-generation Multimedia>,作者为 Iain E.G. Richardson. 是一本介绍H.264及MPEG-4视频编码标准的入门书,网络上有许多电子版本流传,可以下载. 下载链接1 下载链接2 视频编码的作用 在视频的连续帧中,会出现变化不大的区域(Homogeneous regions),视频编码则可以在信息损失(distortion)可…
///:~容我对这个系列美其名曰"读书笔记",其实shi在练习英文哈:-) Introduction to Objects Object-oriented programming(OOP) is part of this movement toward using the computer as an expressive medium. This chapter will introduce you to the basic concepts of OOP, including an…
简述如何使用node+express实现接口连接及入门websocket通讯.使用技术栈:node + express + typescript + websocket. 1.接口实现 这里描述前端如何模拟实现接口请求,使用的是express(基于node实现的可以快速搭建web应用的开发框架),这里使用node+express搭建一个简单的web服务器. 初始化 1) 初始化生成一个新的 package.json 文件 npm init -y //-y(代表yes),跳过提问阶段,直接生成文件…
why 回顾我的数据分析入门, 最开始时SPSS+EXCEL,正好15年初是上大一下的时候, 因为统计学的还蛮好的, SPSS傻瓜式操作,上手挺方便,可渐渐地发现,使用软件的最不好的地方是不够灵活, 不能为所欲为**, 编程语言才是最灵活的, 最还是用R, 命令式的, 也是感觉不太好是, 于是开始Python来进行数据分析处理. 我当时看的是 2012年的第一版, 还是中文的, 感觉爱得不行, 后才到17-18年在github发现作者整了第二版,从Python2 ->Pyhotn3,主要是这本书…
Chapter 1.6 : Information Theory     Chapter 1.6 : Information Theory Christopher M. Bishop, PRML, Chapter 1 Introdcution 1. Information h(x) Given a random variable and we ask how much information is received when we observe a specific value for thi…
MongoDB is very powerful, but it is still easy to get started with. In this chapter we’ll introduce some of the basic concepts of MongoDB: • A document is the basic unit of data for MongoDB, roughly equivalent to a row in a relational database manage…
JavaScript is all about objects. Objects are the foundation of everything, so if you’re unfamiliar with objects, you’re going to learn quickly. The goal of this book is not to be a JavaScript or DOM code reference, but in order to make sure you under…
Chapter 5 - How to Detect the Collisions Our hero can fire bullets now, but the bullets are only visual. So how can they kill their enemies? In this chapter, we will introduce Collision Detection to implement it. Firstly, it’s necessary to track the… Retired Content This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that we…
  We would like to introduce Gradle to you, a build system that we think is a quantum leap for build technology in the Java (JVM) world. Gradle provides: //gradle构建是在java虚拟机中构建技术的巨大飞跃 A very flexible general purpose build tool like Ant.   //像ant一样可以灵…