转发: http://segmentfault.com/a/1190000003498111 “新概念英语”.“可可英语”.“亚马逊的audible有声书”.“扇贝听力”是我目前所知道的实现英文语音和文本同步的应用.“同步”包括两方面: 被读到的单词(或句子)可以高亮显示,同步显示文本: 选中某个单词(或句子)跳到对应的音频位置播放: 想要实现同步,需要知道每个单词(或句子)在音频中的位置,称之为时间戳,类似于 if(1.905669,2.0353742) you(2.0353742,2.165…
Audio: http://www.booksshouldbefree.com/book/the-wonderful-wizard-of-oz Books: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/55?msg=welcome_stranger…
ADD_PRINT_TEXT纯文本,宽度不够,高度足够,超宽会自动换行,高度不够会隐藏后面的内容.在超宽自动换行的时候,如果有-或()之类的,英文单词不拆分,或其他一些认为是不拆分的情况,会造成还没有到达该宽度就会自动换行,如果想要避免这点,可以加如下语句:LODOP.SET_PRINT_STYLEA(0,"TextNeatRow",true);//允许标点溢出,且英文单词拆开. 圆括号也会导致:…
function GetRTF(RE: TRichedit): string;varstrStream: TStringStream;beginstrStream := TStringStream.Create('') ;tryRE.PlainText := False;RE.Lines.SaveToStream(strStream) ;Result := strStream.DataString;finallystrStream.Freeend;end; procedure TForm1.Bu…
With the most true of yourself, can you meet the most suitable one. 用最真实的自己,才能遇见最合适的那个人. You are always in a rush, you are always too exhausted to have a proper and deep converstation with yourself. That makes you easily get lost in such a rapid and…
需求,当有一个实例a,我们需要一个新的实例b,b同a拥有相同的属性. 当我们使用a=b的模式的时候是一个赋值的过程.a和b指向同一个实例.b的任何操作都同a一样. 在这个使用需要使用copy模块.根据a copy出一个一模一样的b. class shelf(object): def __init__(self): self.books = [] def addbook(self, bookname): self.books.append(bookname) def delbook(self, b…
I believe there is a hero in all of us. 我相信每个人心中都住着一个英雄. For every of us, there are two version with vastly different characters living in us, one is evil and negative, the other is good and positive. Which side would prevail depends on our own decis…
Don't wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend. 不要等到孤独了,才明白朋友的价值. Don't wait to be left far behind to know the value of endeavors. Maybe what I am currently doing is just useless. Stop to read the datasheet and set up the environments fo…
1.android模拟器 天天模拟器+BlueStacks 2.高清内录软件 Audio Record Wizard.exe 3.音频剪切软件 Adobe Audition CS6…