ural 1207 Median on the Plane】的更多相关文章

极角排序 #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #define maxn 30000 using namespace std; struct point { double x,y; int num; }p[maxn]; point pp; double cross(const point &a,const point &b,cons…
1306. Sequence Median Time limit: 1.0 secondMemory limit: 1 MBLanguage limit: C, C++, Pascal Given a sequence of N nonnegative integers. Let's define the median of such sequence. If N is odd the median is the element with stands in the middle of the…
题意:求一串数字里的中位数.内存为1M.每个数范围是0到2的31次方-1. 思路:很容易想到把数字全部读入,然后排序,但是会超内存.用计数排序但是数又太大.由于我们只需要第n/2.n/2+1大(n为偶数)或第(n+1)/2大(n为奇数).所以可以用优先队列来维护最值,这样只需要存一半元素(n/2+1个元素)就可以了. #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> #include<queue> #define UL unsigned int…
[题意]给出n(1~250000)个数(int以内),求中位数 [题解]一开始直接sort,发现MLE,才发现内存限制1024k,那么就不能开int[250000]的数组了(4*250000=1,000,000大约就是1M内存). 后来发现可以使用长度为n/2+1的优先队列,即包含前一半的数以及中位数,其他数在读入的时候就剔除,这样可以省一半的空间. #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define eps 1e-9 #define FOR(i,j,k) for(int i=j;…
前言: 最近想看看矢量中值滤波(Vector median filter, VMF)在GRB图像上的滤波效果,意外的是找了一大圈却发现网上没有现成的code,所以通过matab亲自实现了一个,需要学习的朋友可以拿过去用.本文的核心是VMF的matlab实现,最后通过在RGB图像上应用举例说明. VMF的数学表达: 含有N个矢量的集合{C1,C2,...CN},它的VMF结果如下所示: 其中,CVM1表示距离所有其他向量的距离和最小的那个向量.而距离可以自己定义,常用的欧氏距离,曼哈顿距离等等.…
1246. Tethered Dog Time limit: 1.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB A dog is tethered to a pole with a rope. The pole is located inside a fenced polygon (not necessarily convex) with nonzero area. The fence has no self-crosses. The Olympian runs along the f…
2036. Intersect Until You're Sick of It 题目连接: http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=2036 Description Ural contests usually contain a lot of geometry problems. Many participants do not conceal their discontent with such disbalance. Still, we ha…
POJ 上的一套水题,哈哈~~~,最后一题很恶心,不想写了~~~ Rope Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 7410   Accepted: 2603 Description Plotters have barberically hammered N nails into an innocent plane shape, so that one can see now only heads. Moreove…
A - Intersect Until You're Sick of It Time Limit:500MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Submit Status Practice URAL 2036 Description Ural contests usually contain a lot of geometry problems. Many participants do not conceal…
问题: There are two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively.Find the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)). Example1:nums1 = [1, 3]nums2 = [2]The median is 2.0Example2:nums1 = [1, 2]n…