Kaggle Competition Past Solutions】的更多相关文章

Kaggle Competition Past Solutions We learn more from code, and from great code. Not necessarily always the 1st ranking solution, because we also learn what makes a stellar and just a good solution. I will post solutions I came upon so we can all lear…
What is your first plan of action when working on a new competition? 理解竞赛,数据,评价标准. 建立交叉验证集. 制定.更新计划. 检索类似竞赛和相关论文. What does your iteration cycle look like? Sacrifice a couple of submissions in the beginning of the contest to understand the importance…
CIFAR-10 Competition Winners: Interviews with Dr. Ben Graham, Phil Culliton, & Zygmunt Zając Dr. Ben Graham Dr. Ben Graham is an Assistant Professor in Statistics and Complexity at the University of Warwick. With a categorization accuracy of 0.95530…
Kaggle Bike Sharing Demand Prediction – How I got in top 5 percentile of participants? Introduction There are three types of people who take part in a Kaggle Competition: Type 1: Who are experts in machine learning and their motivation is to compete…
1: Improving Our Features In the last mission, we made our first submission to Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster, a machine learning competition on Kaggle. Our submission wasn't very high-scoring, though. There are three main ways we can improv…
1: The Competition We'll be learning how to generate a submission for a Kaggle competition. Kaggle is a site where you create algorithms, and compete against machine learning practitioners around the world. Your algorithm wins if it's the most accura…
目录 机器学习英雄访谈录之双料 Kaggle 大师:Dr. Jean-Francois Puget 正文 对我的启发 机器学习英雄访谈录之双料 Kaggle 大师:Dr. Jean-Francois Puget Sanyam Bhutani 是 Medium 上一位专注 ML 和 CV 的博主,本系列翻译自他进行的系列采访--<机器学习英雄访谈录>. 学习从模仿开始,要模仿就要模仿那些最棒的人,这是我开始本系列的初衷. 正文 今天我要采访的是一位双料大师:Kaggle Discussion 大…
20天的时间参加了Kaggle的 Avito Demand Prediction Challenged ,第一次参加,成绩离奖牌一步之遥,感谢各位队友,学到的东西远比成绩要丰硕得多.作为新手,希望每记录一次可以进步一次.下面将我这段时间的心路历程进行记录,作为经历,也作为自己的经验: 可点击 -- Github 一.审题 审题过程应该是在这道题中焦灼的一环,因为直到现在我都不确定我是否完全明白了题意. In their fourth Kaggle competition, Avito is ch…
Kaggle上的犬种识别(ImageNet Dogs) Dog Breed Identification (ImageNet Dogs) on Kaggle 在本节中,将解决在Kaggle竞赛中的犬种识别挑战.比赛的网址是 https://www.kaggle.com/c/dog-breed-identification 在这场竞赛中,试图鉴别120种不同品种的狗.本次竞赛中使用的数据集实际上是著名的ImageNet数据集的一个子集.与CIFAR-10数据集中的图像不同,ImageNet数据集中…
基于Kaggle的图像分类(CIFAR-10) Image Classification (CIFAR-10) on Kaggle 一直在使用Gluon's data package数据包直接获得张量格式的图像数据集.然而,在实际应用中,图像数据集往往以图像文件的形式存在.将从原始图像文件开始,逐步组织.读取并将文件转换为张量格式.对CIFAR-10数据集进行了一个实验.这是计算机视觉领域的一个重要数据集.现在,将应用前面几节中所学的知识来参加Kaggle竞赛,该竞赛解决CIFAR-10图像分类…