提交网址https://oj.leetcode.com/problems/search-a-2d-matrix/ 有个矩阵中的数,从左向右递增,从上而下递增,快速查找是一个数是是否存在,剑指offer中的一道题,当时看懂了,写还是半天,其实按照矩阵的特点来找,从左上角找到又下角.如果大于搜索的值.搜索的值将增大,行++,否则列-- package heelo; public class Solution { public boolean searchMatrix(int[][] matrix,…
Description Mr. Young wishes to take a picture of his class. The students will stand in rows with each row no longer than the row behind it and the left ends of the rows aligned. For instance, 12 students could be arranged in rows (from back to front…
//二维数组中的查找,杨氏矩阵 //在一个二维数组中,每行都依照从左到右的递增的顺序排序.每列都依照从上到下递增的顺序排序. //请完毕一个函数.输入这种一个数组和一个数,推断数组中是否包括这个数. #include <stdio.h> #define Col 4 int Yang(int arr[][Col], int val) { int i=0; int j = Col - 1; int tmp = arr[i][j]; //找到左上角的数 while (1) { if (tmp ==…