Habits of Considerate People】的更多相关文章

Habits of Considerate People体贴人的八种习惯哲学家亚瑟·叔本华曾经说过:“蜡之可贵,在于燃烧自己温暖他人,人之可贵,在于屈尊敬贤彬彬有礼”,事实的确如此.善意与体贴能够抚慰人心,让别人更容易接受你的想法.Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once said, “Politeness is to humannature what warmth is to wax.” It’s true. Being kind and considerate…
1.Morning Routine (早上列行公事) Probably the most common habit ultra-successful people have is they can tell you exactly what they do for the 60 minutes of their day(一个共同点就是他们能在60秒之内,告诉你他们今天要做什么) 2.Practicing Gratitude (做感恩练习)3.Read - The person you will…
Seven habits of effective text editing(via) Bram Moolenaar November 2000 If you spend a lot of time typing plain text, writing programs or HTML, you can save much of that time by using a good editor and using it effectively. This paper will present g…
图文大话编程语言史 投递人 itwriter 发布于 2014-03-07 17:16 评论(2) 有298人阅读  原文链接  [收藏]  « » 英文原文:Code reviews and bad habits 所谓大话就是恶搞,本文中的关于各种编程语言的描述,你不可全信,也不能全信.作者在描述史实时加入了很多个人情感和社会流行元素,配图基本是靠谱的.这也许就是寓教于乐吧. 以上图片上的文字内容来自这篇文章. 0 0     来自: www.vaikan.com   找优秀程序员…
you can find it on YouTube:Learning English with EnglishClass101.com 10 Habits of highly Effective Learners 1. Set small, measurable goals with deadlines small goals: learn 100 words in a month! complete 30 audio lessons in a month (Deadline:Nov 30)…
1.Morning Routine (早上列行公事) Probably the most common habit ultra-successful people have is they can tell you exactly what they do for the 60 minutes of their day 一个共同点就是他们能在60秒之内,告诉你他们今天要做什么 2.Practicing Gratitude (做感恩练习) 做感恩练习 3.Read - The person you…
TRANSFORM YOUR HABITS3rd EditionNote from James Clear:I wrote Transform Your Habits to create a free guide that would help people like you makeprogress in health, business, and life. You are welcome to share it with anyone you think itwould benefit.…
w https://www.zhihu.com/question/35307626 w 0-客户端(附加用户信息)首次请求服务端--->服务端生成session(有唯一性).session_id,cookie(可能含有用户名.登录密码.浏览历史),并且设定cookie的生命周期.适用域名.适用域名下的路径 1-上述客户端(附加用户信息)再次请求服务端 1-0-客户端禁用cookie,客户端页面跳转或者post/get至服务端时,会同时request session_id至服务端 1-1-客户端不…
ADJ-GRADED 替人着想的;体贴的Someone who is considerate pays attention to the needs, wishes, or feelings of other people. I think he's the most charming, most considerate man I've ever known... 我觉得他是我所认识的最有魅力并且最为体贴的男士. ADJ-GRADED 相当多的;相当大的Considerable means g…
原文地址:http://success-sys.com/2016/09/26/would-your-work-habits-change-if-you-were-paid-by-the-job/ A couple of days ago I noticed a guy installing a solar system on a two-story house in my neighborhood. Working 20 plus feet off the ground on a pitched…
1.Plan your time carefully. Make a list of your weekly tasks.Then make a schedule or chart of your time.Fill in committed time such as eating,sleeping,meeting,classes,etc. Then decide on good ,regular times for studying.Be sure to set aside enough ti…
习惯的模型 : dependent 依赖  -- independent 独立自主 --interdependent  互相依赖 1: be  proactive 主动积极 what you can do 2:begin with the end in mind  以终为始 3 :put first things first 要事为一 不能管理时间,便什么都不能管理- 德鲁克.  80/20法则 4: think win 双赢思维 买卖不成仁义在 5:知彼解已  to understand th…
Parents are the first teachers in children's life, and people all know the great importance exactly of family education. When one was born to brought up, he needs the education and influence of his family. So the words and behaviors exert a subtle in…
#瓦登尔湖词频统计: import string path = 'D:/python3/Walden.txt' with open(path,'r',encoding= 'utf-8') as text: words = [raw_word.strip(string.punctuation).lower() for raw_word in text.read().split()] words_index = set(words) counts_dict = {index:words.count(…
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作者Alistair Cockburn, Crystal Clear的7个成功要素,写得挺好. 敏捷方法的关注点,大家可以参考,太激动所以转载了. 原文:http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=345009 Property 1. Frequent Delivery The single most important property of any project, large or small, agile or not, is that…
引言 有时我们会在IIS中启用一些定时服务,但是你必须清楚IIS会定期回收Asp.net的应用程序的.首先来看IIS啥时候回收APPDomain.   APPDomain 回收时机 There are several things that can cause ASP.NET to tear down your AppDomain. When you modify web.config, ASP.NET will recycle the AppDomain, though the w3wp.ex…
Nora Georgieva (http://www.telerik.com/blogs/infographic-the-dotnet-developer-of-2016) Whether you have already drawn insights from our (free) 2016 .NET Developer Community Report or not, you will likely find this new slice of the results delicious.…
原文地址:https://swlaschin.gitbooks.io/fsharpforfunandprofit/content/learning-fsharp/ Learning F#Functional programming languages need a different approach学习F#函数式编程语言需要不同的学习方法 Functional languages are very different from standard imperative languages, an…
Engish version copied from here Why This Document? As editor of the Jargon File and author of a few other well-known documents of similar nature, I often get email requests from enthusiastic network newbies asking (in effect) "how can I learn to be a…
<如何在大学里脱颖而出(How to Win at College)>读书笔记 图书简介 中文版: 英文版: 作者卡尔·纽波特(Cal Newport)于 2004 年6月以优等生荣誉学会会员身份毕业于达特茅斯学院.曾在<华尔街日报>的学报和<今日商务>等杂志上发表了数篇讲述大学生活以及大学生成功事迹的文章.目前,他在美国麻省理工学院攻读计算机科学博士学位,居住在马萨诸塞州的波士顿. 不禁感慨,我上大学那阵怎么就没有这本书呢,呵呵,不过现在看到,总比没有看过好 :-)…
本文转自:点这里 有别于JS跨域.IFRAME跨域等的常用处理办法,还可以利用P3P来实现跨域. P3P是什么 P3P(Platform for Privacy Preferences)是W3C公布的一项隐私保护推荐标准,以为用户提供隐私保护. P3P标准的构想是:Web 站点的隐私策略应该告之访问者该站点所收集的信息类型.信息将提供给哪些人.信息将被保留多少时间及其使用信息的方式,如站点应做诸如 “本网站将监测您所访问的页面以提高站点的使用率”或“本网站将尽可能为您提供更合适的广告”等申明.访…
1.跨子域和跨服务器解决方式 Session主要分两部分:   一个是Session数据,该数据默认情况下是存放在服务器的tmp文件下的,是以文件形式存在    另一个是标志着Session数据的Session Id,Session ID,就是那个 Session 文件的文件名,Session ID 是随机生成的,因此能保证唯一性和随机性,确保 Session 的安全.一般如果没有设置 Session 的生存周期,则 Session ID 存储在内存中,关闭浏览器后该 ID 自动注销,重新请求该…
http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/CshTop10.txt ======================================================================        Top Ten Reasons not to use the C shell======================================================================    Written by Bruce B…
这个是备忘录,原网页: https://medium.com/@porteneuve/mastering-git-submodules-34c65e940407 http://cncc.bingj.com/cache.aspx?q=git+submodule+porteneuve&d=5051866681245979&mkt=zh-CN&setlang=en-US&w=CSPsXaV5W3T5UouIOUfyo8SEUMbF--01 , 被共党的网上长城无辜的墙掉.(希望有…
Andrej Karpathy blog About Hacker's guide to Neural Networks A Survival Guide to a PhD Sep 7, 2016 This guide is patterned after my "Doing well in your courses", a post I wrote a long time ago on some of the tips/tricks I've developed during my…
盲评结果出来了.然而对于我并没有太大的影响.从头到尾我没有紧张过,自然也不会有如释重负的感觉. 昨天说了事情要提前做准备.早上,到教研室挺早,review的时候,发现论文中一个关于目录的小问题,解决掉之后,便开始写信.因为大家等待盲评结果的焦急心情,也不能让我平静.下午,在一个免费的查重网站上查了绪论,我以为上次修改已经很接近于最终版本了,现在看来,还是有很多处要改,review果然是有用的,写作也是.下午,便开始根据查重报告修改论文.我认为写论文,里面的语言都要是自己基于自己的认识总结出的话,…
This article come from HEREARS-L1: Learning Tuesday 10:30–12:30; Oral Session; Room: Leonard de Vinci 10:30  ARS-L1.1—GROUP STRUCTURED DIRTY DICTIONARY LEARNING FOR CLASSIFICATION Yuanming Suo, Minh Dao, Trac Tran, Johns Hopkins University, USA; Hojj…
CentOS的系统(Linux 内核) 编辑HOST vi /etc/hosts 加入127.0.0.1 www.a.com127.0.0.1 www.b.com 首先:创建 a_setcookie.php 文件,内容如下: <?php //header('P3P: CP="CURa ADMa DEVa PSAo PSDo OUR BUS UNI PUR INT DEM STA PRE COM NAV OTC NOI DSP COR"'); setcookie("tes…
Dividing and Conquering Book: Assembly Language step by step Complexity kills programs. Remember to use comment headers.(Comment is very very important!) More Than 25 lines and you're doing too much in one procedure.Split it up. Calling and Returning…