Reinvent the Wheel Often】的更多相关文章

Reinvent the Wheel Often Jason P. Sage Just use something that exists-it's silly to reinvent the wheel-. HAVE YOU EVER HEARD THiS OR SOME VARiATiON THEREOF? Sure you have! Every developer and student probably hears comments like this fre- quently. Wh…
原文链接: Design Patterns Simplified: Part 1[设计模式简述:第一部分] Design patterns are an important consideration when designing or developing any software systems or solutions. There…
2016-2017-2 <Java程序设计>预备作业2总结 古希腊学者普罗塔戈说过:「头脑不是一个要被填满的容器,而是一束需要被点燃的火把.」 在对计算机系的学生情况的调查中,我说: 最近几年,我有一个深刻的体会:了解学生是上好课的一个基础.如果老师不了解学生的基础,每周的学习情况,学习状态,学习效果,那么,不少同学从第三周就开始跟不上学习进度了,然后就放弃学习了,等着期末背背就过关了.这样四年的学习效果就像大学生上课为什么一定要认真听讲?所说的 有很多人上完了大学,思考方式还是那种「原生态」…
What things should a programmer implementing the technical details of a web application consider before making the site public? If Jeff Atwood can forget about HttpOnly cookies, sitemaps, and cross-site request forgeries all in the same site, what im…
[1] Don’t reinvent the wheel; use libraries.[2] Don’t believe in magic; understand what your libraries do, how they do it, and at what costthey do it.[3] When you have a choice, prefer the standard library to other libraries.[4] Do not think that the…
2.1 Django 官方网址: 简介:Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so y…
Where did we come from? With the 0.9.0-milestone1 release, Apache Flink added an API to process relational data with SQL-like expressions called the Table API. The central concept of this API is a Table, a structured data set or stream on which relat…
pingback :,1 Object-oriented design is like an alloy consisting of a solid grounding in the object-oriented (OO) approach and implementing the best OO practices heavily laced with how to sidestep the OO pitfal…
CS461 MP 1: Due Wednesday 09/17 by 11:59 pm Fall 2014\Anyone, from the most clueless amateur to the best cryptographer, can create an algorithmthat he himself can't break."{ Bruce SchneierGuidelines You must work alone for this assignment. You may us…
Matt Pietrek October 1996 MSJ Matt Pietrek is the author of Windows 95 System Programming Secrets (IDG Books, 1995). He works at NuMega Technologies Inc., and can be reached at QWay back in your July 1994 column, you wrote a…