Triangular numbers】的更多相关文章 Triangular numbers time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output A triangular number is the number of dots in an equilateral triangle unifor…
CF47A Triangular numbers 题意翻译 给定一个数n,问你是否存在一个整数i,满足i*(i+1)/2=n. 若存在,输出"YES",否则输出"NO". 1<=n<=500 Translated by @稀神探女 题目描述 A triangular number is the number of dots in an equilateral triangle uniformly filled with dots. For example…
描述 The nth Triangular number, T(n) = 1 + … + n, is the sum of the first n integers. It is the number of points in a triangular array with n points on side. For example T(4): XX XX X XX X X X Write a program to compute the weighted sum of triangular n…
time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output As you very well know, this year's funkiest numbers are so called triangular numbers (that is, integers that are representable as , where k …
In Problem 42 we dealt with triangular problems, in Problem 44 of Project Euler we deal with pentagonal number, I can only wonder if we have to deal with septagonal numbers in Problem 46. Anyway the problem reads Pentagonal numbers are generated by t…
Triangular Sums 时间限制:3000 ms  |  内存限制:65535 KB 难度:2   描述 The nth Triangular number, T(n) = 1 + … + n, is the sum of the first n integers. It is the number of points in a triangular array with n points on side. For example T(4): XX X X X X X X X X Wri…
学过微积分的人,肯定都接触过Euler积分,按教科书上的说法,这是两种含有参变量的定积分,但其实没那么玄乎,它们只是两个函数.其中第一型Euler积分叫\(B\)-函数,第二型Euler积分叫\(\Gamma\)-函数,这两个函数的定义如下:\begin{align} \label{eq: beta} B (m, n) & = \int_0^1 x^{m-1} (1-x)^{n-1} \text{d} x \\ \label{eq: gamma} \Gamma (n) & = \int_0…
题目地址:    描述The nth Triangular number, T(n) = 1 + - + n, is the sum of the first n integers. It is the number of points in a triangular array with n points on side. For example T(4):X X X X X X X X…
The Hundred Greatest Theorems The millenium seemed to spur a lot of people to compile "Top 100" or "Best 100" lists of many things, including movies (by the American Film Institute) and books (by the Modern Library). Mathematicians wer…
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