cried me a river--kristinia debarge】的更多相关文章

cried me a river--kristinia debarge I still remember the day that we metI hold on to every word you saidAsked me to surrenderAnd that's what i didAnd you broke my heart again and againSo now you are sorry like your all in loveBut where was your sorry…
读书笔记系列链接地址        昨晚无意中听到了一首英文歌曲,虽不知其意,但是瞬间就被优美的旋律吸引了,正愁着不知道歌名的时候,拿出手机打开QQ音乐的识别功能(我想这应该不算广告),居然识别出来了--<Moon River>,实在太优美了,忍不住发到朋友圈,然后就有朋友告诉我是电影<蒂凡尼的早餐>主题曲,于是今天便将此部电影下载下来观看.        打开一看居然是奥黛丽·赫本…
Description One of the more popular activities in San Antonio is to enjoy margaritas in the park along the river know as the River Walk. Margaritas may be purchased at many establishments along the River Walk from fancy hotels to Joe’s Taco and Marga…
Crossing River 题目链接: 题意: N个人希望去过河,但每次只能过两个且要有一个人把船划回来接其他的人: 两个人一起过河所用的时间是两个人中单独过河时间最多的: 求所有人过河所需要的最少的时间. 思路分析: 定义一个装n个人中每个人过河所需要的时间数组a[]:并用sort进行从小到大进行排序. 求将最慢的和次慢的运过去所需的最少时间,下面有两种可能…
蛋蛋安利的双倍经验题 1143: [CTSC2008]祭祀river Time Limit: 10 Sec Memory Limit: 162 MB Submit: 1901 Solved: 951 [Submit][Status][Discuss] Description 在遥远的东方,有一个神秘的民族,自称Y族.他们世代居住在水面上,奉龙王为神.每逢重大庆典, Y族都会在水面上举办盛大的祭祀活动.我们可以把Y族居住地水系看成一个由岔口和河道组成的网络.每条河道连接着两个岔口,并且水在河道内按…
River Hopscotch Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 11031   Accepted: 4737 Description Every year the cows hold an event featuring a peculiar version of hopscotch that involves carefully jumping from rock to rock in a river.…
River Hopscotch Time Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 9263 Accepted: 3994 Description Every year the cows hold an event featuring a peculiar version of hopscotch that involves carefully jumping from rock to rock in a river. The e…
Description One of the more popular activities in San Antonio is to enjoy margaritas in the park along the river know as the River Walk. Margaritas may be purchased at many establishments along the River Walk from fancy hotels to Joe's Taco and Marga…
River Hopscotch Time Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 5193 Accepted: 2260 Description Every year the cows hold an event featuring a peculiar version of hopscotch that involves carefully jumping from rock to rock in a river. The e…
Crossing River Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 9585 Accepted: 3622 Description A group of N people wishes to go across a river with only one boat, which can at most carry two persons. Therefore some sort of shuttle arrangem…
1143: [CTSC2008]祭祀river Description 在遥远的东方,有一个神秘的民族,自称Y族.他们世代居住在水面上,奉龙王为神.每逢重大庆典, Y族都会在水面上举办盛大的祭祀活动.我们可以把Y族居住地水系看成一个由岔口和河道组成的网络.每条河道连接着两个岔口,并且水在河道内按照一个固定的方向流动.显然,水系中不会有环流(下图描述一个环流的例子). 由于人数众多的原因,Y族的祭祀活动会在多个岔口上同时举行.出于对龙王的尊重,这些祭祀地点的选择必须非常慎重.准确地说,Y族人认为,…
1143: [CTSC2008]祭祀river Time Limit: 1 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description 在遥远的东方,有一个神秘的民族,自称Y族.他们世代居住在水面上,奉龙王为神.每逢重大庆典, Y族都会在水面上举办盛大的祭祀活动.我们可以把Y族居住地水系看成一个由岔口和河道组成的网络.每条河道连接着两个岔口,并且水在河道内按照一个固定…
1314: River过河 Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 162 MBSubmit: 26  Solved: 10[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description ZY 带N个小Kid过河,小KID分成两种:高一年级,高二年级,由于存在代沟问题,如果同一条船上高一年级生和高二年级生数量之差超过K,就会发生不和谐的 事件.当然如果一条船上全是同一年级的,就绝对不会发生争执.现在ZY按小KID队列的顺序依次安排上船,并且不能让他们在过河…
1617: [Usaco2008 Mar]River Crossing渡河问题 Time Limit: 5 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 654  Solved: 466[Submit][Status] Description Farmer John以及他的N(1 <= N <= 2,500)头奶牛打算过一条河,但他们所有的渡河工具,仅仅是一个木筏. 由于奶牛不会划船,在整个渡河过程中,FJ必须始终在木筏上.在这个基础上,木筏上的奶牛数目每增加1,FJ把木筏划…
1143: [CTSC2008]祭祀river Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 162 MBSubmit: 1878  Solved: 937[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description 在遥远的东方,有一个神秘的民族,自称Y族.他们世代居住在水面上,奉龙王为神.每逢重大庆典, Y族都会在水面上举办盛大的祭祀活动.我们可以把Y族居住地水系看成一个由岔口和河道组成的网络.每条河道连接着两个岔口,并且水在河道内按照一个固定的方向流动.…
POJ3285 River Hopscotch 此题是大白P142页(即POJ2456)的一个变形题,典型的最大化最小值问题. C(x)表示要求的最小距离为X时,此时需要删除的石子.二分枚举X,直到找到最大的X,由于c(x)=m时满足题意,所以最后输出的是ub-1或者lb(lb==ub-1 注意相邻距离小于x的要删除(此处不是小于等于),对于相邻的距离小于x的两个石子,当删除其中一个后,又会产生其他的相邻的石子,直接计数不好计数,不妨用两个标记last,cur,其中last表示上一个石子,cur…
Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 5473   Accepted: 2379 Description Every year the cows hold an event featuring a peculiar version of hopscotch that involves carefully jumping from rock to rock in a river. The excitement ta…
POJ1700 题目链接: Time Limit:1000MS     Memory Limit:10000KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u   Description A group of N people wishes to go across a river with only one boat, which can at most carry two persons. Therefore…
Description Every year the cows hold an ≤ L ≤ ,,,). Along the river between the starting and ending rocks, N ( ≤ N ≤ ,) more rocks appear, each at an integral distance Di < Di < L). To play the game, each cow in turn starts at the starting rock and…
Description Every year the cows hold an event featuring a peculiar version of hopscotch that involves carefully jumping from rock to rock in a river. The excitement takes place on a long, straight river with a rock at the start and another rock at th…
River Hopscotch Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 9923   Accepted: 4252 Description Every year the cows hold an event featuring a peculiar version of hopscotch that involves carefully jumping from rock to rock in a river. T…
dp[ i ] = max( dp[ j ] + sum( M_1 ~ M_( i - j ) ) + M , sum( M_1 ~ M_i ) ) ( 1 <= j < i )  表示运送 i 只羊的最少时间 , 转移很显然. T T 我自己第一次写时 , dp多带了个k表示第几次送牛过河 , 可是这并没有什么卵用..还 TLE 了... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #in…
题目 1617: [Usaco2008 Mar]River Crossing渡河问题 Time Limit: 5 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MB Description Farmer John以及他的N(1 <= N <= 2,500)头奶牛打算过一条河,但他们所有的渡河工具,仅仅是一个木筏. 由于奶牛不会划船,在整个渡河过程中,FJ必须始终在木筏上.在这个基础上,木筏上的奶牛数目每增加1,FJ把木筏划到对岸就得花更多的时间. 当FJ一个人坐在木筏上,他把木筏划到对岸需要M(…
                                                                                                                           Crossing River Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 10311   Accepted: 3889 Description A group of N p…,很多其它内容请关注 Wind River Linux 6 Security Profile…,请注意很多其他内容 wind river hypervisor 版权声明:本文博客原创文章,博客,未经同意,不得转载.…
====== mysql的river介绍======      - 什么是river?river代表es的一个数据源,也是其它存储方式(如:数据库)同步数据到es的一个方法.它是以插件方式存在的一个es服务,通过读取river中的数据并把它索引到es中,官方的river有couchDB的,RabbitMQ的,Twitter的,Wikipedia的.这里主要研究针对mysql的river.      - mysql的river插件:mysql的river安装见…
River Hopscotch Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 15273   Accepted: 6465 Description Every year the cows hold an event featuring a peculiar version of hopscotch that involves carefully jumping from rock to rock in a river.…
[CTSC2008]祭祀river Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 162 MBSubmit: 2175  Solved: 1098[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description 在遥远的东方,有一个神秘的民族,自称Y族.他们世代居住在水面上,奉龙王为神.每逢重大庆典, Y族都 会在水面上举办盛大的祭祀活动.我们可以把Y族居住地水系看成一个由岔口和河道组成的网络.每条河道连接着 两个岔口,并且水在河道内按照一个固定的方向流动.显然,…
1488: River Crossing Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MB Submit: 83  Solved: 42 SubmitStatusWeb Board Description Afandi is herding N sheep across the expanses of grassland  when he finds himself blocked by a river. A single raft is available for…