PHP Functions - arsort()】的更多相关文章

<?php $characters = array('a','b','c','d','e','f'); arsort($characters); print_r($characters); /* Array ( [5] => f [4] => e [3] => d [2] => c [1] => b [0] => a ) */ $numbers = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); arsort($numbers); print_r($numbers… Razor 视图具有.cshtml后缀,可以轻松的实现c#代码和html标签的切换,大大提升了我们的开发效率.但是Razor语法还是有一些棉花糖值得我们了解一下,可以更加强劲的提升我们的开发效率,减少开发bug的出现. Razor 采用的是@ 尾巴符号,正是这个符号成就了Mvc开发效率的提升.下面了解一下和@相关的两个可以重用的helper.functions. 作为现代化的程序员,我们尽可能的遵守一个原则.不要重复你自己.所以能够重构的代码我们都会合并,但是这是对于后台代码C#…
Why underscore 最近开始看 underscore.js 源码,并将 underscore.js 源码解读 放在了我的 2016 计划中. 阅读一些著名框架类库的源码,就好像和一个个大师对话,你会学到很多.为什么是 underscore?最主要的原因是 underscore 简短精悍(约 1.5k 行),封装了 100 多个有用的方法,耦合度低,非常适合逐个方法阅读,适合楼主这样的 JavaScript 初学者.从中,你不仅可以学到用 void 0 代替 undefined 避免 u…
Why underscore 最近开始看 underscore.js 源码,并将 underscore.js 源码解读 放在了我的 2016 计划中. 阅读一些著名框架类库的源码,就好像和一个个大师对话,你会学到很多.为什么是 underscore?最主要的原因是 underscore 简短精悍(约 1.5k 行),封装了 100 多个有用的方法,耦合度低,非常适合逐个方法阅读,适合楼主这样的 JavaScript 初学者.从中,你不仅可以学到用 void 0 代替 undefined 避免 u…
一.ajax例子:ajaxReturn("ok","eval")->thinkphp中ajax的返回值的方法,返回参数为ok,返回类型为eval(字符串) 1.MainController.class.php <?php namespace Ajaxtest\Controller; use Think\Controller; class MainController extends Controller { public function zhuye()…
QM模块包含主数据(Master data)和功能(functions)   QM主数据   QM主数据 1 Material   Master MM01/MM02/MM50待测 物料主数据 2 Sample   Determination 1 Sample     schema QDP1 2 Sample  Procedure QDV1 样本决定 3 Dynamic   Modification Rule QDR1 动态修改规则 4 Master   Inspection Characteri…
In today's post, I have put together all jQuery String Functions. Well, I should say that these are not "jQuery String Functions". These are "JavaScript String Functions". But as jQuery is built on top of JavaScript so you can use them…
在C++14中允许使用type deduction用于函数参数和函数返回值 Return Type Deduction in C++11 #include <iostream> using namespace std; auto AutoFunctionFromReturn(int parameter) -> int { return parameter; } int main() { auto value = AutoFunctionFromReturn(); cout <<…
Today an interesting bug (pitfall) is found when I was trying debug someone's code. There is a function which tries to check if an object exists or not. It has several parameters and some of them have default value. When using this function, the prog…
In recent years, Kernel methods have received major attention, particularly due to the increased popularity of the Support Vector Machines. Kernel functions can be used in many applications as they provide a simple bridge from linearity to non-linear…
In Unity scripting, there are a number of event functions that get executed in a predetermined order as a script executes. This execution order is described below: Editor Reset: Reset is called to initialize the script’s properties when it is first a…
块级函数(Block-Level Functions) 在ES3及以前,在块内声明一个函数会报语法错误,但是所有的浏览器都支持块级函数.不幸的是,每个浏览器在支持块级函数方面都有一些细微的不同的行为.所以开发者最好不要在块内声明函数.为了解决浏览器在块内支持声明函数时带来的兼容性问题,在ES5中可以使用strict模式,这样如果开发者试图定义一个块内函数,就会报错: "use strict"; if (true) { //throws a syntax error in ES5 fun…
明确函数的双重作用(Clarifying the Dual Purpose of Functions) 在ES5及更早的ES版本中,函数调用时是否使用new会有不同的作用.当使用new时,函数内的this指向一个新对象并且函数会返回这个对象.看下面的代码: function Person(name) { = name; } var person = new Person("Zakas"); var notAPerson = Person("Zakas&qu…
箭头函数(Arrow Functions) 就像名字所说那样,箭头函数使用箭头(=>)来定义函数.与传统函数相比,箭头函数在多个地方表现不一样. 箭头函数语法(Arrow Function Syntax) 箭头函数有多种实现方法.比如你想实现一个只有一个参数并且直接返回此参数值的函数: let reflect = value => value; //相当于下面的函数 let reflect = function(value) { return value; }; 上面的例子中,函数只有一个参数…
Table 12.18 Information Functions Name Description BENCHMARK() Repeatedly execute an expression CHARSET() Return the character set of the argument COERCIBILITY() Return the collation coercibility value of the string argument COLLATION() Return the co…
测试环境:php5.3.29 sort_flags 可以用以下值改变排序的行为: 排序类型标记: SORT_REGULAR - 正常比较单元(不改变类型) SORT_NUMERIC - 单元被作为数字来比较 SORT_STRING - 单元被作为字符串来比较 SORT_LOCALE_STRING - 根据当前的区域(locale)设置来把单元当作字符串比较,可以用 setlocale() 来改变. SORT_NATURAL - 和 natsort() 类似对每个单元以"自然的顺序"对字…
2. Built-in Functions The Python interpreter has a number of functions and types built into it that are always available. They are listed here in alphabetical order.     Built-in Funct…
catalog . How to Add New Functions to MySQL . Features of the User-Defined Function Interface . User-Defined Function . UDF Argument Processing . UDF Return Values and Error Handling . UDF Compiling and Installing . Adding a New Native Function . UDF…
catalog . 漏洞描述 . 漏洞触发条件 . 漏洞影响范围 . 漏洞代码分析 . 防御方法 . 攻防思考 1. 漏洞描述 EmpireBak是一款完全免费.专门为Mysql大数据的备份与导入而设计的软件,系统采用分卷备份与导入,理论上可备份任何大小的数据库,帝国备份王(Empirebak)存在较多GETSHELL漏洞,本文逐一讨论从进入后台到GETSHELL的各种方式 Relevant Link:…
Extraction from C++ primer 5th Edition 7.1.2 The purpose of the const that follows the parameter list of an ordinary member function is to modify the type of the implicit this pointer. By default, the type of this is a const pointer to the nonconst v…
Part 1: Moments Definition 1 For each integer $n$, the nth moment of $X$, $\mu_n^{'}$ is \[\mu_{n}^{'} = EX^n.\] The nth central moment of $X$, $\mu_n$, is \[ \mu_n = E(X-\mu)^n,\] where $\mu=\mu_{1}^{'}=EX$. Definition 2 The variance of a random var…
对于任何语言来说,函数都是一个重要的组成部分.在ES6以前,从JavaScript被创建以来,函数一直没有大的改动,留下了一堆的问题和很微妙的行为,导致在JavaScript中使用函数时很容易出现错误并且可能需要多余的代码实现一些基本的函数行为.在ES6中,函数有一个质的飞跃的改进,它充分考虑到过去数年间JavaScript开发者的需求和抱怨.与ES5相比,在ES6中使用函数开发不容易出错,而且更加灵活. 带默认参数的函数(Functions with Default Parameter Val…
课程主页:   Introduction to neural networks -Training Neural Network ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________…
In this chapter, APIs will make U crazy. Good luck! Next, Review Linear Algebra.  Ref: IplImage "modules/core/include/opencv2/core/types_c.h" typedef struct _IplImage { int nSize; /* sizeo…
Swift has 74 built-in functions but only seven of them are documented in the Swift book (“The Swift Programming Language”). The rest remain undocumented. This article lists all built-in Swift functions – both documented and undocumented ones. The def…
The immediate function pattern is a syntax that enables you to execute a function as soon as it is defined. (function () { alert('watch out!'); }());  • You define a function using a function expression. (A function declaration won’t work.) • You add…
Functions are first-class objects and they provide scope. • Can be created dynamically at runtime, during the execution of the program • Can be assigned to variables, can have their references copied to other variables, can be augmented, and, except…
13.3 How do virtual functions work in C++? 这道题问我们虚函数在C++中的工作原理.虚函数的工作机制主要依赖于虚表格vtable,即Virtual Table.当类中定义了虚函数时,一个虚表格就建立了用来保存该类的虚函数的地址.此时编译器Compiler也会在该类中增加一个虚指针vptr(Virtual Pointer),用来指向虚表格.当一个虚函数在派生类中没有被重写时,派生类中的虚表格中仍然存的是基类的虚函数的地址.当虚函数被调用时,就要到虚表格中取…
sort() 函数用于对数组单元从低到高进行排序. rsort() 函数用于对数组单元从高到低进行排序. asort() 函数用于对数组单元从低到高进行排序并保持索引关系. arsort() 函数用于对数组单元从高到低进行排序并保持索引关系. ksort() 函数用于对数组单元按照键名从低到高进行排序. krsort() 函数用于对数组单元按照键名从高到低进行排序.例:$arr=array(23,5,26,4,9,85,10,2,55,44,21,39,11,16,55,88,421,226,5…
本文转自: Over on the ASP.NET forums where I moderate, a user had a problem calling a Web Service from a web page asynchronously. I tried his code on my machine an…