处理 unassigned shard】的更多相关文章

解决方法:(1)如果是红色的,可以直接分片shard给你认为有最新(或最多)数据的节点.见下: 摘自:https://discuss.elastic.co/t/how-to-resolve-the-unassigned-shards/87635 Use the reroute command to assign the unassigned shard to a node. If your cluster is red then you probably have primary shards…
#查看所有分片 GET _cat/shards curl* #查看索引的分片状态 #查看第一个unassigned shard的原因GET /_cluster/allocation/explain #查看iis_qr_2019-07索引中所有分片分配情况GET /_cat/shards?index=iis_Log_2019-07 #查看unassigned原因:curl noahes.isec.oa.com/_cluster…
Red Cluster! 摘自:http://blog.kiyanpro.com/2016/03/06/elasticsearch/reroute-unassigned-shards/ There are 3 cluster states: green: All primary and replica shards are active yellow: All primary shards are active, but not all replica shards are active red…
API Documentation All the API calls map the raw REST api as closely as possible, including the distinction between required and optional arguments to the calls. This means that the code makes distinction between positional and keyword arguments; we,…
Reasons for unassigned shard: These are the possible reasons for a shard to be in a unassigned state: 1. INDEX_CREATED    Unassigned as a result of an API creation of an index.    索引创建  由于API创建索引而未分配的 2. CLUSTER_RECOVERED    Unassigned as a result of…
说下shard出现的几个状态说明: relocating_shards shows the number of shards that are currently moving from one node to another node(现网中遇到,因为kill -9重启es的方法不对,导致node下线,集群重新分配shard). This number is often zero, but can increase when Elasticsearch decides a cluster is…
Recovering unassigned shards on elasticsearch 2.x 摘自:https://z0z0.me/recovering-unassigned-shards-on-elasticsearch/ I got accross the problem when decided to add a node to the elasticsearch cluster and that node was not able to replicate the indexes…
1.问题描述 早上醒来发现手机有很多ES状态为red的告警,集群就前几天加了几个每天有十多亿记录的业务,当时估算过磁盘容量,应该是没有问题的,但是现在集群状态突然变成red了,这就有点懵逼了. 2.查找问题原因 没办法,问题出来了,只好查找问题的原因了. 先看看集群的状态 curl -XGET 'http://unknow.com/_cat/health?v&pretty' epoch timestamp cluster status node.total node.data shards pr…
强制重置未分片的分片,这个问题源自于Elasticsearch维护中,Node意外退出的场景. 意外退出后Elasticsearch由于网络原因或者jvm性能压力,未能短时间内分配分片. 看一下分片的状态.可以看到有一些分片处于未分配状态. curl 我们这里是node-client09节点挂掉了,重启这个节点之后,通过下面的脚本,可以将分片重新分派到node-client09. NODE="node-client09&qu…
记一次ElasticSearch重启之后shard未分配问题的解决 环境 ElasticSearch6.3.2,三节点集群 Ubuntu16.04 一个名为user的索引,索引配置为:3 primary shard,每个primary shard 2个replica 正常情况下,各个分片的分布如下: 可见,user 索引的三个分片平均分布在各台机器上,可以完全容忍一台机器宕机,而不丢失任何数据. 由于一次故障(修改了一个分词插件,但是这个插件未能正确加载),导致 node-151 节点宕机了.修…