RFM - Customer Level Data】的更多相关文章

Introduction ## Warning: package 'DT' was built under R version 3.5.2 RFM (recency, frequency, monetary) analysis is a behavior based technique used to segment customers by examining their transaction history such as how recently a customer has purch…
s loadrunner录制脚本时,此网站证书无效/无法录制到脚本问题解决 http://www.51testing.com/html/64/497364-3569552.html lr录制后空白_lr中socket level data_winnet level data_socket level andwinnet level data的意思 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6255a7e70101aw9h.html http://www.51testing.c…
每每以为攀得众山小,可.每每又切实来到起点,大牛们,缓缓脚步来俺笔记葩分享一下吧,please~ --------------------------- 一.基本概念 根据美国数据库营销研究所Arthur Hughes的研究,客户数据库中有三个神奇的要素,这三个要素构成了数据分析最好的指标:最近一次消费(Recency).消费频率(Frequency).消费金额(Monetary). RFM模型:R(Recency)表示客户最近一次购买的时间有多远,F(Frequency)表示客户在最近一段时间…
正好刚帮某电信行业完成一个数据挖掘工作,其中的RFM模型还是有一定代表性,就再把数据挖掘RFM模型的建模思路细节与大家分享一下吧!手机充值业务是一项主要电信业务形式,客户的充值行为记录正好满足RFM模型的交易数据要求. 根据美国数据库营销研究所Arthur Hughes的研究,客户数据库中有三个神奇的要素,这三个要素构成了数据分析最好的指标:最近一次消费(Recency).消费频率(Frequency).消费金额(Monetary). 我早期两篇博文已详述了RFM思想和IBM Modeler操作…
RFM模型 在众多的客户价值分析模型中,RFM模型是被广泛应用的,尤其在零售和企业服务领域堪称经典的分类手段.它的核心定义从基本的交易数据中来,借助恰当的聚类算法,反映出对客户较为直观的分类指示,对于没有数据分析和机器学习技术支撑的初创企业,它是简单易上手的客户分析途径之一. RFM模型主要有三项指标: Recency:最近消费时间间隔 Frequency:消费频率 Monetary:消费金额 我们为客户在这三项指标上进行打分,那么总共会有27种组合的可能,使用K-Means算法,能够缩减到指定…
https://github.com/mattbane/RecommenderSystem http://grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/ KDDCUP-2012官网 From kdnuggets Data repositories AWS (Amazon Web Services) Public Data Sets, provides a centralized repository of public data sets that can be seamle…
http://udt.sourceforge.net/ DT is a reliable UDP based application level data transport protocol for distributed data intensive applications over wide area high-speed networks. UDT uses UDP to transfer bulk data with its own reliability control and c…
lr录制后空白,那么就要弄明白lr中host-mapping的Capture Level选项socket level data.winnet level data.socket level andwinnet level data的意思了.   WinInet(“Windows Internet”)API帮助程序员 使用三个常见的Internet协议,这三个协议是用于World Wide Web万维网的超文本传输协议(HTTP:Hypertext Transfer Protocol).文件传输协…
原文地址:https://gist.github.com/maxivak/3e3ee1fca32f3949f052 Install Solr download and install Solr from http://lucene.apache.org/solr/. you can access Solr admin from your browser: http://localhost:8983/solr/ use the port number used in installation. M…
LoadRunner的Capture Level说明 Capture Level的设置说明: 1.Socket level data. Capture data using trapping on the socket level only. Port mappings apply in this case (default). 2.WinINet level data. Capture data using hooks on the WinINet.dll API used by certai…
Data Bundles A data bundle is a collection of pricing data, adjustment data, and an asset database. Bundles allow us to preload all of the data we will need to run backtests and store the data for future runs. 数据包是定价数据,调整数据和资产数据库的集合. Bundles允许我们预先加载所…
0. Introduction and Prerequisites This article presents an overview on how to use Oracle Data Integrator in order to manipulate data from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage. The scenarios here present loading the data from an object storage i…
场景:录制loadrunner的web站点 问题:录制的过程中发现除了页面正常的请求外还有些看不懂的请求(包含乱码),脚本如下: web_url("WebTours", "URL=", "Resource=0", "RecContentType=text/html", "Referer=", "Snapshot=t14.inf"…
RFID读写器的工作原理 RFID的数据采集以读写器为主导,RFID读写器是一种通过无线通信,实现对标签识别和内存数据的读出和写入操作的装置. 读写器又称为阅读器或读头(Reader).查询器(Interrogator).读出装置(Reading Device). 扫描器(Scanner).通信器(Communicator).编程/编码器(Programmer)等等. 读写器工作原理 RFID读写器的基本原理是利用射频信号与空间耦合传输特性,使电子标签与阅读器的耦合元件在射频耦合通道内进行能量传…
P6 Professional Installation and Configuration Guide (Microsoft SQL Server Database) 16 R1       May 2016 Contents About This Guide...................................................................................... 11 Shared Topics in This Guide .…
Question 81You need to create a Web Part that creates a copy of the out-of-the-box Contribute permission level.Which code segment should you implement in the Web Part?A. SPRoleDefinition myRole = new SPRoleDefinition();myRole.Name = "Contribute"…
JST(JavaScript Trimpath)前端模板引擎简介及应用 今天在做某系统日志列表的时候用到了这个玩意儿.刚开始只是根据别人的例子照葫芦画瓢完成了日志列表及对应详情,晚上有空了才仔细去网上找了找对应的资料,细细的品味了一下.现在把应用总结下. 1.Trimpath简介 Trimpath JavaScript 是个轻量级的,基于JavaScript的,跨浏览器,采用APL/GPL开放源代码协议的,可以让你轻松进行基于模板编程方式的纯JS引擎.  它有如下的特点:     ①.采用标准的…
This 125 kHz RFID reader http://www.serasidis.gr/circuits/RFID_reader/125kHz_RFID_reader.htm http://www.serasidis.gr/circuits/RFID_reader/images/125kHz_RFID_reader_schem.GIF I will try to explain with simple words how the RFID works. The ATtiny13 use…
原文:http://www.codeguru.com/csharp/.net/net_asp/mvc/using-the-repository-pattern-with-asp.net-mvc-and-entity-framework.htm Introduction Data driven web applications need to have a neat strategy for data access. One of the important aspects of this str…
查询json数据结构的8种方式 你有没有对“在复杂的JSON数据结构中查找匹配内容”而烦恼.这里有8种不同的方式可以做到: JsonSQL JsonSQL实现了使用SQL select语句在json数据结构中查询的功能. 例子: 1 jsonsql.query("select * from json.channel.items order by title desc",json); 主页:http://www.trentrichardson.com/jsonsql/ JSONPath…
今天试验了如何在Kettle的图形界面(Spoon)下面来整合来mysql 数据库中位于不同数据库中的数据表中的数据. 试验用的数据表是customers: 第三方的数据集下载地址是:http://www.mysqltutorial.org/download/2 Customers: stores customer’s data. 折叠处有对数据表customer结构的sql表示: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `customers`; CREATE TABLE `customers…
原文地址:101 LINQ Samples in C# Part1 - Restriction Operators Part2 - Projection Operators Part3 - Partitioning Operators Part4 - Ordering Operators Part5 - Grouping Operators Part6 - Set Operators Part7 - Conversion Opertions Part8 - Element Part9 - Gen…
TrimPath是javascript模板引擎. 这几天有一个项目涉及到trimpath这个框架,所以就花了一点时间研究了一下,这个框架和别的javascript框架不太一样的地方就是模板的概念,就是页面中如果引入这个框架的话,就可以像jsp或着Asp那样直接在页面中混合写javascript和的代码,不用其它框架一样在javascript里首先取得页面控件的值,然后修改,然后再在javascript代码里赋值,这些是我的主要印像. 下面先贴出来一个demo,从这个看容易入手,用这个demo前当…
metalink :1089172.1 In this Document   Purpose   Troubleshooting Steps   AutoInvoice Execution Report Errors:  Causes and Actions   1. Customer, Address, Remit To Address, and Contact Errors   2. Accounting Errors   3. Currency Errors   4. Transactio…
Credit checking feature of Oracle OM provides the ability to check that the customer has sufficient credit available with the organization at the point of order booking ,picking, packing and shipping. Credit check rules, order transaction type, payme…
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/analysis-services/multidimensional-models-olap-logical-cube-objects/partitions-partition-storage-modes-and-processing The storage mode of a partition affects the query and processing performance, storage requireme…
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SAP字段与表的对应关系   MASTER DATA-主数据 Customer Master KNA1                         Customer Basic Data KNB1                         Customer Company Level Data客户的公司数据 KNVV                        Customer Sales Level Data 客户的销售数据 KNVP                        …
Here is a list of key performance indicators (KPIs) that should be used in contact centres, alongside other insights from six experts. Any balanced scorecard should include the following measures: Customer Satisfaction (How well am I serving my custo…
After the GA of Apache Kudu in Cloudera CDH 5.10, we take a look at the Apache Spark on Kudu integration, share code snippets, and explain how to get up and running quickly, as Kudu is already a first-class citizen in Spark’s ecosystem. As the Apache…