Implement a basic calculator to evaluate a simple expression string. The expression string may contain open ( and closing parentheses ), the plus + or minus sign -, non-negative integers and empty spaces . You may assume that the given expression is…
这种题都要设置一个符号位的变量 224. Basic Calculator 设置数值和符号两个变量,遇到左括号将数值和符号加进栈中 class Solution { public: int calculate(string s) { stack<int> st; ,flag = ; ;i < s.size();i++){ '){ ; '){ num = num* + flag * (s[i] - '); i++; } res += num; i--; } else if(s[i] ==…
Implement a basic calculator to evaluate a simple expression string. The expression string may contain open ( and closing parentheses ), the plus + or minus sign -, non-negative integers and empty spaces . You may assume that the given expression is…
Implement a basic calculator to evaluate a simple expression string. The expression string may contain open ( and closing parentheses ), the plus + or minus sign -, non-negative integers and empty spaces . You may assume that the given expression is…
Implement a basic calculator to evaluate a simple expression string. The expression string may contain open ( and closing parentheses ), the plus + or minus sign -, non-negative integers and empty spaces . You may assume that the given expression is…
实现一个基本的计算器来计算一个简单的字符串表达式. 字符串表达式可以包含左括号 ( ,右括号),加号+ ,减号 -,非负整数和空格 . 假定所给的表达式语句总是正确有效的. 例如: "1 + 1" = 2" 2-1 + 2 " = 3"(1+(4+5+2)-3)+(6+8)" = 23注意:不要使用内置的库函数 eval. 详见:…
Implement a basic calculator to evaluate a simple expression string. The expression string contains only non-negative integers, +, -, *, / operators and empty spaces . The integer division should truncate toward zero. You may assume that the given ex…
Implement a basic calculator to evaluate a simple expression string. The expression string may contain open ( and closing parentheses ), the plus + or minus sign -, non-negative integers and empty spaces . You may assume that the given expression is…
Implement a basic calculator to evaluate a simple expression string. The expression string may contain open ( and closing parentheses ), the plus + or minus sign -, non-negative integers and empty spaces . The expression string contains only non-nega…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 栈 参考资料 日期 题目地址: 题目描述 Implement a basic calculator to evaluate a simple expression string. The expression string may c…