codeforces 1000F One Occurrence 题意 多次询问lr之间只出现过一次的数是多少. 题解 将查询按照左端点排序,对于所有值维护它在当前位置后面第二次出现是什么时候,那么查询区间最大值即可. 代码 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define fi first #define se second #define mp make_pair #define pb push_back #define rep(i,…
题目链接: E. Copying Data time limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytes 问题描述 We often have to copy large volumes of information. Such operation can take up many computer resources. Therefore…
题目链接: K-th Number Time Limit: 20000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 64110 Accepted: 22556 Case Time Limit: 2000MS Description You are working for Macrohard company in data structures department. After…
[原题1] 3110: [Zjoi2013]K大数查询 Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 512 MB Submit: 978 Solved: 476 Description 有N个位置,M个操作.操作有两种,每次操作假设是1 a b c的形式表示在第a个位置到第b个位置,每一个位置增加一个数c 假设是2 a b c形式,表示询问从第a个位置到第b个位置,第C大的数是多少. Input 第一行N.M 接下来M行.每行形如1 a b c或2 a b c Outp…
我要举报本次校赛出题人的消极出题!!! 官方题解请戳:其实就是一堆代码没有题解) A. 树链剖分数据结构板题 题目大意:我没看,看不懂. 基本思路:我不会. 参考代码:找Oyk老师和Czj老师去. B. The background of water problem 题目大意(大写加粗的水题):给定$N$个学生和他们$K$个科目的成绩$S_i$,再给出各科目$K_i$的权重顺序$Q_i$,求排名之后,拥有id为$X$的…
POJ 2823 Sliding Window 题解 Description An array of size n ≤ 106 is given to you. There is a sliding window of size k which is moving from the very left of the array to the very right. You can only see the k numbers in the window. Each time the slidi…
HDU 2222 Keywords Search(查询关键字) Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others) [Description] [题目描述] In the modern time, Search engine came into the life of everybody like Google, Baidu, etc. Wiskey also wants to br…
Description You have N integers, A1, A2, ... , AN. You need to deal with two kinds of operations. One type of operation is to add some given number to each number in a given interval. The other is to ask for the sum of numbers in a given interval. In…