AS shortcuts】的更多相关文章

Android 7.1 - App Shortcuts 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载. 微博:厉圣杰 源码:AndroidDemo/Shortcuts 文中如有纰漏,欢迎大家留言指出. Android 7.1 新功能之一就是 App Shortcuts(应用快捷方式) ,该功能与 iPhone 上的 3D Touch 功能相似,通过长按应用图标,可弹出应用快捷方式,点击可以直接跳转到相应的界面.目前最多支持 5 个快捷方式,可以 getMaxShortcutCountPer…
Android 7.1 App Shortcuts使用 Android 7.1已经发了预览版, 这里是API Overview: API overview. 其中App Shortcuts是新提供的一种快捷访问方式, 形式为长按应用图标出现的长条. 图来自: Exploring Android Nougat 7.1 App Shortcuts 点击快捷方式可以访问应用功能, 并且这种快捷方式也可以被拖拽到桌面单独放置. App Shortcuts 是什么 其中App Shortcuts是指在桌面…
转载自: Jupyter notebook, formerly known as the IPython notebook, is a flexible tool that helps you create readable analyses, as you can keep code, images, comments, formulae and plots…
原题: Description Recently, Mike was very busy with studying for exams and contests. Now he is going to chill a bit by doing some sight seeing in the city. City consists of n intersections numbered from 1 to n. Mike starts walking from his house locate…
Editor Shortcut Description Alt + / Content assist. A great help for our coding. Ctrl + Shift + F Format Ctrl + F10, then N Display line numbers Ctrl + Shift + O Manage imports Ctrl + D Delete the row Alt + up/down Move the line up/down Alt + left/ri…
Mousetrap is a simple library for handling keyboard shortcuts in Javascript. It is around 2kb minified and gzipped and 4.5kb minified, has no external dependencies, and has been tested in the following browsers: Internet Explorer 6+ Safari Firefox Ch…
Mike and Shortcuts 题目链接: Description Recently, Mike was very busy with studying for exams and contests. Now he is going to chill a bit by doing some sight seeing in the city. City consists of n i…
Original Link: Table of Contents: Managing 'Windows' in Windows 7 Accessing Windows Features Windows 7 Taskbar Navigating Desktop Windows Explorer Photo Viewer Dialog Boxes Windows Admin Windows Help…
Using keyboard shortcuts To use a keyboard shortcut, press a modifier key at the same time as a character key. For example, pressing the Command key (it has a ⌘ symbol) and then the "c" key copies whatever is currently selected to the Clipboard.…
TOAD Menu Shortcuts Category Command Shortcut Conflict File AWR Browser File Compare Files File DBMS Flashback File ExitFile Open File Ctrl+O File Page Setup... File Print File Print Preview File Recover Documents... File Reopen File File Run Script…