注意:插件的安装必须到Plugins对应的文件目录执行命令! Plugins Plugin list A full list of available Redmine plugins can be found at the Plugin Directory. More plugins (some in very early development), which are not listed at the Plugin Directory but are publicly available o…
一:eclipse添加php插件 1.运行eclipse,在主界面里找到Help下的“Instal New Software”.然后在Work with中选择“All Available Sites”.由于要搜索,故需耐心等待,最后: 2.选择web开发相关的软件,在其中找到PHP Development Tools (PDT)软件.勾选,点击Next. 从Web.XML,JAVA EE and OSGI 选项里找到PHP Development Tools (PDT). 3.点击finish,…