
题目链接: Mountaineers  Gym - 102021M 题目大意:给你一个n*m的矩阵,a[i][j]代表当前方块的高度,然后每次询问给你一个起点和终点,然后问你在这个图上你选择一条路径,使得这条路径上的最大值尽可能的小,然后输出最大值. 具体思路:用最小生成树进行建图,首先对每个点的权值按照从小到大进行排序.每次是把上一次连通块的根作为当前的节点的儿子.正好保证了整个图是联通的,并且询问起点和中点的时候,在树上找lca就可以了. AC代码: #include<bits/stdc++…
Mountaineers 时间限制: 3 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB 题目描述 The Chilean Andes have become increasingly popular as a destination for backpacking and hiking. Many parts of the Andes are quite remote and thus dangerous. Because of this, the Ministry of Tourism wants to…
(link to hollisterco site), Spectacles don't simply take care of the eye area inside sun; Putting them on aside from that products care regarding that soothing, Soft dermal used the eye area. Guarding skin everything ranging taken within discomfort p…
2018 German Collegiate Programming Contest (GCPC 18) Attack on Alpha-Zet 建树,求lca 代码: #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <iomanip> #include <bit…
NLTK 这是一个处理文本的python库,我们知道文字性的知识可是拥有非常庞大的数据量,故而这属于大数据系列. 本文只是浅尝辄止,目前本人并未涉及这块知识,只是偶尔好奇,才写本文. 从NLTK中的book模块中,载入所有条目 book 模块包含所有数据 from import * *** Introductory Examples for the NLTK Book *** Loading text1, ..., text9 and sent1, ..., sent9 Ty…
B .Battle Royale 题意:给你两个点A,B,以及一个圆S,保证两个点在圆外,且其连线与圆相交,求两点间最短距离. 思路:显然是要分别与圆相切,然后在圆弧想走,直到相交. 那么ans=与圆相交的直线距离+圆弧上的距离: 前者不难求. 后者的话有些抽象,因为不知道怎么取固定角度,但是如果想到atan2了就不难了,因为atan2求出的角度是固定了标准的,注意对用两个atan2求出来的角度求其夹角时,注意不要错过2pi:同时取min(angle,2*pi-angle).  还不懂的,看代码…
“TAKE ONLY memories, leave only footprints” is more than a hiking motto at the Sagarmatha National Park in Nepal. The large box of rocks sitting next to the metal detector at the local airport is a testament to that: tourists departing from Mount Eve…