wTCP本身已经确保传输的成功性. HTTP The Definitive Guide 4.2.4 Delayed Acknowledgments Because the Internet itself does not guarantee reliable packet delivery (Internet routers are free to destroy packets at will if they are overloaded), TCP implements its own ac…
IP, TCP, and HTTP Issue #10 Syncing Data, March 2014 By Daniel Eggert When an app communicates with a server, more often than not, that communication happens over HTTP. HTTP was developed for web browsers: when you enter into your…
A method of offloading, from a host data processing unit (205), iSCSI TCP/IP processing of data streams coming through at least one TCP/IP connection (3071 ,307 2 ,307 3), and a related iSCSI TCP/IP Offload Engine (TOE). The method including: providi…
tcp_rcv_established函数的工作原理是把数据包的处理分为2类:fast path和slow path,其含义显而易见.这样分类的目的当然是加快数据包的处理,因为在正常情况下,数据包是按顺序到达的,网络状况也是稳定的,这时可以按照fast path直接把数据包存放到receive queue了.而在其他的情况下则需要走slow path流程了. 在协议栈中,是用头部预测来实现的,每个tcp sock有个pred_flags成员,它就是判别的依据 fast path处理,其揭示的含义…
作者:IronTech链接:来源:知乎著作权归作者所有,转载请联系作者获得授权. 下面的解释copy自quora,回答得很精彩HTTP uses TCP connection. But HTTP uses only one TCP connection.In HTTP, client initiates an HTTP session by opening a TCP connectio…
相关学习资料 tcp-ip详解卷1:协议.pdf 目录 . 引言 . 应用层 . 传输层 . 网络层 0. 引言 协议中的网络字节序问题 在学习协议格式之前,有一点必须明白,否则我们在观察抓包数据的时候可能会产生疑惑: . 协议格式中的字段排布,最高位在左边,记为0bit:最低位在右边,记为31 bit. . 4个字节的32bit值以下面的次序传输: ) 首先是0~7bit ) 其次8~15bit ) 然后16~23bit ) 最后是24~31bit 这种传输次序称作"big endian字节序…
WCF - net.pipe vs. net.tcp vs. http Bindings 问题: I'm new to WCF and would like to know the differences/advantages/limitations/etc of each of the following bindings: net.pipe net.tcp http Supporting scenarios on when to use each binding and other exam…
TCP是什么 首先看一下OSI七层模型: 然后数据从应用层发下来,会在每一层都加上头部信息进行封装,然后再发送到数据接收端,这个基本的流程中每个数据都会经过数据的封装和解封的过程,流程如下图所示: 在OSI七层模型中,每一层的作用和对应的协议如下图所示: 说回TCP,简单说TCP(Transmission Control Protocol)即传输控制协议,是一种面向连接的.可靠的.基于Ip的传输层协议. TCP协议头部格式 要学习TCP协议,首先得知道TCP协议头部的格式,我在网上找了一张觉得画…
Linux TCP Performance Tuning News Linux Performance Tuning Recommended Books Recommended Links Linux performance bottlenecks Kernel parameters tuning on Linux Performance Monitoring tcpdump iptraf netstat ntop nfsstat lsof vmstat Disk subsystem tunin…   例子来自tcpdumplike.stp脚本, 当tcp.receive事件触发后, 取出类似tcpdump输出的源ip, 目的ip, 源端口, 目的端口, 以及6个tcp包的控制比特位信息. tcp.receive alias实际上包含2个内核函数, 分别代表ipv4和ipv6.  kernel.function("tcp_v4_rcv")…