题目链接:http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/707/E 给你nxm的网格,有k条链,每条链上有len个节点,每个节点有一个值. 有q个操作,操作ask问你一个子矩阵的和是多少,操作switch将第i条链上的值0变原来的数or原来的数变0. 比较明显的二维数组数组暴力,注意的是ask操作不会超过2000,所以在switch操作的时候不能进行update操作,否则会超时.所以你在ask操作的时候update就会省时. 复杂度大概是2000*2000*l…
E. Garlands 题目连接: http://www.codeforces.com/contest/707/problem/E Description Like all children, Alesha loves New Year celebration. During the celebration he and his whole family dress up the fir-tree. Like all children, Alesha likes to play with gar…
Adieu l'ami. Koyomi is helping Oshino, an acquaintance of his, to take care of an open space around the abandoned Eikou Cram School building, Oshino's makeshift residence. The space is represented by a rectangular grid of n × m cells, arranged into n…
D. Iahub and Xors   Iahub does not like background stories, so he'll tell you exactly what this problem asks you for. You are given a matrix a with n rows and n columns. Initially, all values of the matrix are zeros. Both rows and columns are 1-based…
题意 给一个10^5之内的字符串(小写字母)时限2s 输入n,有n个操作  (n<10^5) 当操作是1的时候,输入位置x和改变的字母 当操作是2的时候,输入区间l和r,有多少不同的字母 思路 二维树状数组 #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<queue> #include<map> #define lowbit(x) x&(-x) using…
题目链接 裸二维树状数组 #include <bits/stdc++.h> const int N = 305; struct BIT_2D { int c[105][N][N], n, m; void init(int n, int m) { memset (c, 0, sizeof (c)); this->n = n; this->m = m; } void updata(int k, int x, int y, int z) { for (int i=x; i<=n;…
题目链接: http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=1559 最大子矩阵 Time Limit: 30000/10000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 2901    Accepted Submission(s): 1454 Problem Description 给你一个m×n的整数矩阵,在上面找一个x×y的子矩阵,使…
Matrix Time Limit: 3000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 22058   Accepted: 8219 Description Given an N*N matrix A, whose elements are either 0 or 1. A[i, j] means the number in the i-th row and j-th column. Initially we have A[i, j] = 0 (1…
Mobile phones Time Limit: 5000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 14489   Accepted: 6735 Description Suppose that the fourth generation mobile phone base stations in the Tampere area operate as follows. The area is divided into squares. The…
题意:给你一个n*n的全0矩阵,每次有两个操作: C x1 y1 x2 y2:将(x1,y1)到(x2,y2)的矩阵全部值求反 Q x y:求出(x,y)位置的值 树状数组标准是求单点更新区间求和,但是我们处理一下就可以完美解决此问题.区间更新可以使用区间求和的方法,在更新的(x2,y2)记录+1,在更新的(x1-1,y1-1)-1(向前更新到最前方).单点求和就只需要与区间更新相反,向后求一个区间和.这样做的理由是:如果求和的点在某次更新范围内,我们+1但是不执行-1,否者要么都不执行,要么都…