Type Encoding】的更多相关文章

[Type Encodings] The compiler encodes the return and argument types for each method in a character string and associates the string with the method selector. 编译器把方法的返回值类型与参数类型encode成字符串,然后把此字符串与method selector关联起来. When given a type specification, @e…
Object Encoding and Decoding with NSSecureCoding Protocol February 27, 2014 MISC NSCoding is a fantastically simple and convenient way to store data on iOS or Mac OS by turning your model objects directly into a file and then loading it back into mem…
参考:https://studygolang.com/pkgdoc 导入方式: import "encoding/base64" base64实现了RFC 4648规定的base64编码.Base64是网络上最常见的用于传输8Bit字节码的编码方式之一,Base64就是一种基于64个可打印字符(即6Bits)来表示二进制数据(即8Bits)的方法.Base64编码是从二进制到字符的过程,可用于在HTTP环境下传递较长的标识信息,这样更适合放在URL中进行传递.此时,采用Base64编码…
A few people have been experiencing the following error. UPDATE: The reason for it happening is because when your browsers request a page from us, we compress it when we send it back. This allows us to send your page faster, and to send more pages to…
/** Instance variable information. */ @interface YYClassIvarInfo : NSObject @property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) Ivar ivar; ///< ivar opaque struct @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *name; ///< Ivar's name @property (nonatomic, ass…
NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END 为了兼容Swift 中的 ? 和 ! oc 在6.3引入了两个新的类型注释:__nullable和__nonnull , 在字面上很好理解 可能为空, 不为空, 在上面代码中间则表示 默认的所有的属性都不能为空,这样我们在敲码的过程中只需要手写__nullable的类型就可以了  /** Type encoding's type. */ typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, YYE…
输入网址,解出源码,显示label 我这里是在第二个界面显示的,用的属性传值. A界面先从 storyboard 拖个 textfield 和一个 button .m里面button的方法 //按钮点击方法 - (IBAction)Click:(id)sender { //前缀 NSString *str1 = @"http://"; //把前缀加到你输入的网址前 NSString *str2 = [str1 stringByAppendingString:_field.text];…
接上一篇 http://www.cnblogs.com/ddavidXu/p/5912306.html 转载来源http://www.jianshu.com/p/6b905584f536 http://southpeak.github.io/2014/10/30/objective-c-runtime-2/ 比较实用的内容都用颜色的字标记,并配有代码,并在末尾放上代码demo. 类型编码(Type Encoding) Objective-C不支持long double类型.@encode(lon…
PPM图像格式介绍 PPM图像格式是由Jef Poskanzer 大叔,在我出生那一年,也就是1991年所创造的,碰巧的是PPM也是天蝎座. PPM(Portable Pixmap Format)还有两位兄长,大哥名叫「PBM」,二哥人称「PGM」,他们三兄弟各有所长,下面为你们一一介绍: PBM 是位图(bitmap),仅有黑与白,没有灰 PGM 是灰度图(grayscale) PPM 是通过RGB三种颜色显现的图像(pixmaps) 每个图像文件的开头都通过2个字节「magic number…
/** * Describes the instance variables declared by a class. * * @param cls The class to inspect. * @param outCount On return, contains the length of the returned array. * If outCount is NULL, the length is not returned. * * @return An array of pointe…