Let’s look more closely at one of the simplest Java programs you can have—one that simply prints a message to console: public class FirstSample { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("We will not use 'Hello, World!'"); } }…
1.2. The Java "White Paper" BuzzwordsThe authors of Java have written an influential White Paper that explains their design goals and accomplishments. They also published a shorter summary that is organized along the following 11 buzzwords:1. Si…
3.8. Control FlowJava, like any programming language, supports both conditional statements and loops to determine control flow. We will start with the conditional statements, then move on to loops, to end with the somewhat cumbersome switch statement…
5.1. Classes, Superclasses, and SubclassesLet's return to the Employee class that we discussed in the previous chapter. Suppose (alas) you work for a company at which managers are treated differently from other employees. Managers are, of course, jus…
4.7. PackagesJava allows you to group classes in a collection called a package. Packages are convenient for organizing your work and for separating your work from code libraries provided by others.The standard Java library is distributed over a numbe…
4.6. Object ConstructionYou have seen how to write simple constructors that define the initial state of your objects. However, since object construction is so important, Java offers quite a variety of mechanisms for writing constructors. We go over t…
4.1. Introduction to Object-Oriented ProgrammingObject-oriented programming, or OOP for short, is the dominant programming paradigm these days, having replaced the "structured," procedural programming techniques that were developed in the 1970s.…
干货分享:ASP.NET CORE(C#)与Spring Boot MVC(JAVA)异曲同工的编程方式总结   目录 C# VS JAVA 基础语法类比篇: 一.匿名类 二.类型初始化 三.委托(方法引用) 四.Lambda表达式 五.泛型 六.自动释放 七.重写(override) ASP.NET CORE VS Spring Boot 框架部署类比篇: 一.引用依赖(包) 二.依赖注入 DI (IOC容器) 三.过滤器.拦截器 AOP 四.配置读取 五.发布.部署.运行 我(梦在旅途,ht…
原文地址:http://www.journaldev.com/2856/java-jvm-memory-model-memory-management-in-java Understanding JVM Memory Model, Java Memory Management are very important if you want to understand the working of Java Garbage Collection. Today we will look into me…
第01章 计算机.程序和Java概述 CPU(Central Processing Unit) * 中央处理器 Control Unit * 控制单元 arithmetic/logic unit /ə'rɪθmətɪk/ 算术/逻辑单元 hertz /hɝts/ 赫兹 core * 核心 bit * 位 byte * 字节 schema /'skimə/ 模式 RAM(Random-Access Memory) * 随机访问存储器 drive * 驱动器 hard disk * 硬盘 CD(co…