洛谷P1467 循环数 Runaround Numbers】的更多相关文章

P1467 循环数 Runaround Numbers 89通过 233提交 题目提供者该用户不存在 标签USACO 难度普及/提高- 提交  讨论  题解 最新讨论 暂时没有讨论 题目描述 循环数是那些不包括0且没有重复数字的整数(比如81362)并且还应同时具有一个有趣的性质, 就像这个例子: 如果你从最左边的数字开始(在这个例子中是8)向右数最左边这个数(如果数到了最右边就回到最左边),你会停止在另一个新的数字(如果停在一个相同的数字上,这个数就不是循环数).就像: 8 1 3 6 2 从…
洛谷 P6218 [USACO06NOV] Round Numbers S 题目描述 如果一个正整数的二进制表示中,\(0\) 的数目不小于 \(1\) 的数目,那么它就被称为「圆数」. 例如,\(9\) 的二进制表示为 \(10011001\),其中有 \(2\) 个 \(0\) 与 \(2\) 个 \(1\).因此,\(9\) 是一个「圆数」. 请你计算,区间 \([l,r]\) 中有多少个「圆数」. 输入格式 一行,两个整数 \(l,r\). 输出格式 一行,一个整数,表示区间 \([l,…
OJ:http://www.luogu.org/problem/show?pid=1467 #include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<cstring> using namespace std; int v[10],pv[64]; bool judge(long long x){ vector<int> a,b; memset(v,0,sizeof(v)); while(x>=10){ a.push_bac…
题目传送门 MEG 题目描述 Byteotia has been eventually touched by globalisation, and so has Byteasar the Postman, who once roamedthe country lanes amidst sleepy hamlets and who now dashes down the motorways. But it is those strolls inthe days of yore that he re…
题目描述 The first stage of train system reform (that has been described in the problem Railways of the third stage of 14th Polish OI. However, one needs not be familiar with that problem in order to solve this task.) has come to an end in Byteotia. The…
题目来源:洛谷P3952 思路 纯模拟没啥可说的了 果然好复杂 参考了你谷一个40行代码 代码 #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> using namespace std; int T,tot,num,Max,stand,now,k,n,cnt; ],what[]; ]; //tot是有几个句子,stand是题目给的复杂度是多少 //now是当前在几重循环,vis[]是判断变量是否使用过 //mem…
洛谷题目链接:[POI2011]MET-Meteors 题意翻译 Byteotian Interstellar Union有N个成员国.现在它发现了一颗新的星球,这颗星球的轨道被分为M份(第M份和第1份相邻),第i份上有第Ai个国家的太空站. 这个星球经常会下陨石雨.BIU已经预测了接下来K场陨石雨的情况. BIU的第i个成员国希望能够收集Pi单位的陨石样本.你的任务是判断对于每个国家,它需要在第几次陨石雨之后,才能收集足够的陨石. 输入: 第一行是两个数N,M. 第二行有M个数,第i个数Oi表…
洛谷题目链接[POI2006]ORK-Ploughing 题目描述 Byteasar, the farmer, wants to plough his rectangular field. He can begin with ploughing a slice from any of the field's edges, then he can plough a slice from any unploughed field's edges, and so on, until the whole…
题目传送门..................................................................................................................................... The biggest event of the year ended tragically for Croatian teams. The most influential theoretician of CERC of…
题目描述 Being a secret computer geek, Farmer John labels all of his cows with binary numbers. However, he is a bit superstitious, and only labels cows with binary numbers that have exactly K "1" bits (1 <= K <= 10). The leading bit of each la…