Question about pairing/bonding?】的更多相关文章

Except that on android you can bypass the pairing dialog if you know the PIN in advance through a different channel.   Etan On 06.02.2013, at 10:09, "András Kövi" <email@hidden> wrote: Hi BPa,   actually if CoreBluetooth receives the reque…
这个配置或者说任务, 让这个蓝牙设备成为了一个简单的BLE外设. 这里定义了外设的广播数据, 以及最重要, char被改变之后的回调, 引出后来的coreHandler里面的, ack 以及写e2prom. /************************************************************************************************** **********************************************…
最近突然想自己做一个智能小冰箱玩一玩,于是决定动手试一试. 成品效果图 原材料 半导体制冷片一只 散热风扇 12V电源一台 智能恒温箱电路板 控制板的PCB图 原理图 供电部分原理图 制冷片控制部分原理图 蜂鸣器原理图 温度传感器原理图 GITHUB地址 完整代码以及电路图我放在了GITHUB上,欢迎下载哦. 控制部分源代码 /****************************************…
一.目的 在 OSAL操作系统-实验31 从机广播功率修改-(20141029更新).zip 基础上进行修改,该工程是通过5向按键的上下按键来控制广播功率的加减,总共有4个档位.我们的目的是直接用最高功率进行广播. 二.涉及文件 下面几个文件是每个CC2541工程的主要文件(基本的修改都会在此): 其中: xxx_Main.c只有main函数, OSAL_SimpleBLEPeripheral.c中只有任务初始化函数, simpleBLEPeripheral.c才是重点 三.如何修改 整个工程是…
differece between pairing and bonding .see…
Question: Recently I have to use the RHEL and need to config the network with a few NICs. Here comes the question: What's the network bonding and How to bond? So I write this post. What's network bonding?       Network bonding is a method of combinin…
声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载. 以下是英文翻译: warnning: Copyright!you can't reprint this blog when you not get blogger's  permission. It is a very excellent interview question that concludes serveal important knowledge which explain how to correctly use printf(…
You are in this GAME. A critical mission, and you are surrounded by the beauties, ready to shed their slik gowns on your beck. On onside your feelings are pulling you apart and another side you are called by the duty. The biggiest question is seX OR… _ Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It's 100% free, no registration required.…
操作系统:CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core) 网卡适配器: eno1.eno2 bonding类型:mode=1 (active-backup),主-备份策略 网卡绑定mode共有七种,每种模式,都有各自的用处,笔者由于在工作中使用的是mode=1 (active-backup)模式 在此笔者将工作中使用到的网卡绑定bonding技术的mode=1 (active-backup)模式的配置实现过程记录如下: 1.在Centos 7中,我们可以使用modinf…