
A.Nias and Tug-of-War(sort排序) B.Lowest Unique Price(set+map) C.Game!(博弈) D.Stars E.BIGZHUGOD and His Friends I F.BIGZHUGOD and His Friends II G.Cube Number(质因数分解) H.Square Number(质因数分解) I.Routing Table J.Single Round Math(大数) K.Last Hit L.Circle of F…
题目描述 In mathematics, a square number is an integer that is the square of an integer. In other words, it is the product of some integer with itself. For example, 9 is a square number, since it can be written as 3 * 3. Given an array of distinct intege…
Memory Leak Time Limit: 2000MS Memory limit: 131072K 题目描述 Memory Leak is a well-known kind of bug in C/C++. When a string is longer than expected, it will visit the memory of next array which will cause the issue and leak some information. You can se…
Reversed Words Time Limit: 2000MS Memory limit: 131072K 题目描述 Some aliens are learning English. They have a very strange way in writing that they revered every word in the sentence but keep all the words in common order. For example when they want to…
Triple Nim Time Limit: 2000MS Memory limit: 65536K 题目描述 Alice and Bob are always playing all kinds of Nim games and Alice always goes first. Here is the rule of Nim game: There are some distinct heaps of stones. On each turn, two players should remov…
The Binding of Isaac Time Limit: 2000MS Memory limit: 65536K 题目描述 Ok, now I will introduce this game to you... Isaac is trapped in a maze which has many common rooms- Like this-There are 9 common rooms on the map. And there is only one super-secret r…
Fibonacci Time Limit: 2000MS Memory limit: 131072K 题目描述 Fibonacci numbers are well-known as follow: Now given an integer N, please find out whether N can be represented as the sum of several Fibonacci numbers in such a way that the sum does not inclu…
Julyed Time Limit: 2000MS Memory limit: 65536K 题目描述 Julyed is preparing for her CET-6. She has N words to remember, but there is only M days left. If she can't remember all these words, she won't pass CET-6. If she can't pass CET-6, she will be unhap…
前言: 这是我的退役贴,之前发到了空间里,突然想到也要在博客里发一篇,虽然我很弱,但是要离开了还是有些感触,写出来和大家分享一下,希望不要见笑.回来看看,这里也好久没有更新了,这一年确实有些懈怠,解题报告都不再写了,现在想想还有些后悔,写总结确实是个好习惯. 正文: 省赛结束了,结果不算好也不算坏,我之前的给自己的预期目标是上年我们没拿到的铜牌,原因是我认为自己仅仅只有拿到铜牌的实力,所以一直以来的这段时间我没有全力以赴的投入到训练之中,和sr.zs他们的拼命准备形成了鲜明对比.训练的时候我就在…
5.11,5.12两天的济南之旅结束了,我也参加了人生中第一次正式的acm比赛,虽然是以友情队的身份,但是我依旧十分兴奋. 其实一直想写博客来增加自己的能力的,但是一直拖到现在,正赶上老师要求写一份总结报告,所以顺势就写下这个博客了. 训练赛总结:个人训练赛期间,我除了在icpc上做题外,也专门去了洛谷刷一些专题,很幸运,天梯赛时正好出了我正在洛谷刷的搜索裸题,还有stack应用的糖果罐那个题,正好也是那几天我看的紫书的部分,所以确实有一定的好运啊,对寒假里学长们讲的知识的了解逐渐多了,也看到了…