VGA Output from STM32F4 Discovery board】的更多相关文章

VGA Output from STM32F4 Discovery board I love the web! There are so many cool projects out there, and some, with a tweak or two, get me where I want to go quickly, saving a ton of time and effort. Case in point: The Artektit page on VGA output using…
One-wire Demo on the STM32F4 Discovery Board Some of the devs at work were struggling to get their software talking to a Dallas 1-wire device.  I remember doing 1-wire comms back in the 1990s, but I hadn't done any 1-wire lately and all of my old cod…
Sometimes you have a CAN equipped processor on a low cost board but it has no CAN transceiver chips. Here is a method that can be used to create a small experimental network with such a board. There will be no noise immunity and you might have to low… Microcontroller features STM32F46NGH6 in TFBGA216 package ARM®32-bit Cortex®-M7 + FPU + Chrom-ART Accelerator 216 MHz max CPU frequency VDD from 1.7 V to 3.6 V 1024 KB Flash 320 KB SRAM GPIOs…
使用36-pin的STM32输出VGA 手头上有个项目需要通过单片机来控制将图像显示在LCD上,在网上搜了一阵子,发现都是使用的FPGA做的, 开始自己对FPGA不是很熟,一直在用的也是ARM系列的,终于让我找到一份至少现在看起来还是含金量蛮高的资料, 因为是英文的,这边先将它翻译一下(原文链接). 想到之前玩的一些老的视频游戏和街机游戏(很早之前,大概70/80年代左右),脑子里浮现出一个想法: 如果在今天,我们是不是可以使用成本比较低的微控制器来实现之前玩玩的那些游戏呢? 这些微控制器设计的…
STM32F4 USB Composite CDC + MSC I'm in the process of building a USB composite CDC + MSC device on the STM32F4 Discovery board but am having trouble getting windows to recognise it. Using USBlyzer all the descriptor info seems ok but windows will onl…
前言 板子申请了也有一段时间了,也快到评测截止时间了,想着做点有意思的东西,正好前一段时间看到过可以在MCU上移植MicroPython的示例,就自己尝试一下,记录移植过程. MicroPython是什么 程序猿中有句俗语:人生苦短,我用Python.Python的强大和易用性让它不仅可以写网站,编程序,在嵌入式领域也有一席之地. MicroPython,是Python3编程语言的一个完整软件实现,包括Python标准库的一小部分,用C语言编写,经过优化可在微控制器和受限环境中运行.MicroP…
彩色阴极射线管的剖面图: 1. 电子QIANG Three Electron guns (for red, green, and blue phosphor dots)2. 电子束 Electron beams3. 聚焦线圈 Focusing coils4. 偏向线圈 Deflection coils5. 阳极接点 Anode connection6. Mask for separating beams for red, green, and blue part of displayed ima…
转自: 彩色阴极射线管的剖面图: 1. 电子QIANG Three Electron guns (for red, green, and blue phosphor dots)2. 电子束 Electron beams3. 聚焦线圈 Focusing coils4. 偏向线圈 Deflection coils5. 阳极接点 Anode connection6. Mask for separating…
我的STM32F4 Discovery上边有一个加速度传感器LIS302DL.在演示工程中,ST的工程师使用这个传感器做了个很令人羡慕的东西:解算开发板的姿态.当开发板倾斜时候,处于最上边的LED点亮,其他LED不亮.同时,用MicroUSB数据线将开发板连接电脑时,开发板就会虚拟成一个鼠标.倾斜开发板时,鼠标指针会向倾斜的方向移动.归根结底,就是牛B的ST工程师用加速度传感器完成了姿态解算. 在开发板上,加速度传感器使用了SPI方式用STM32F4芯片进行通信.STM32F4的SPI1 作为主…