The Enterprise Search Center requires that the Publishing feature be enabled. To enable the Publishing feature, follow these steps: Click Site Actions, and then click Site Settings. Under Site Collection Administration, click the Site collection feat…
In this post I will introduce a way how to run a script for backing up SharePoint data which could be scheduled to run automatically. Step 1:Create a PowerShell Script for Backing up a site collection param([string] $site,[string] $dir,[string] $type…
转载请标明出处: 今天,在项目过程中碰到了这个奇怪的问题,C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_79\bin\java.exe'' finished with non-zero exit value 1,我擦,毫无征兆,毫无头绪,什么鬼,各种谷歌之后,在stackoverflow.com上面看到了别人说解决方案,总的来说就是项目中,不同module中具有相同包名且相同类名的文件.…
在之前的文章中,通过SharePoint Central Administration 创建了Web Application.在这篇文章中将继续SharePoint 2013之旅——还是以Step By Step的形式演示如何在SharePoint 2013中创建Site Collection(网站集),首先梳理下知识点. Site Collection Site Collection是Sites(网站)的集合. Site Collection最大可以包含250000个Sites和Sub Sit…