An Easy Problem for Elfness Time Limit: 5000/2500 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65535/65535 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 1148 Accepted Submission(s): 234 Problem Description Pfctgeorge is totally a tall rich and handsome guy. He plans t…
Problem H. Cups and Beans 2017.8.11 原题: There are N cups numbered 0 through N − 1. For each i(1 ≤ i ≤ N − 1), the cup i contains Ai beans,and this cup is labeled with an integer Ci.Two people will play the following game:• In each turn, the player ch…
Problem Description Pfctgeorge is totally a tall rich and handsome guy. He plans to build a huge water transmission network that covers the whole southwest China. To save the fund, there will be exactly one path between two cities. Since the water ev…
E. The Classic Problem 题意:给你一张无向带权图,求S-T的最短路,并输出路径.边权为2^xi.xi≤105,n≤105,m≤105. 想法:边权太大了,可以用数组按二进制存下来.带高精度跑太费事了. 观察一下,这里距离的更新:c=(a,b),用dis[a]更新dis[b] ①dis[b][c]=0,直接赋为1.只有一个数字改变. ②dis[b][c]=1,需要进位.考虑极端情况数…
题目: 题解: 所以就没写KD-tree.树套堆.分块,而是写了树套树. 限制条件是:pr<L:nt>R:L<= i <=R. 对pr排序后建主席树,调用1~L-1的主席树就能限制好第一个条件:主席树里维护 nt 的值域,调用R+1…
题意及思路 这个题加深了我对主席树的理解,是个好题.每次更新某个点的距离时,是以之前对这个点的插入操作形成的线段树为基础,在O(logn)的时间中造出了一颗新的线段树,相比直接创建n颗线段树更省时间.比较的时候二分比较,为了加快比较给每个点设置一个hash值. 代码: #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const unsigned long long P = 13331; const int mod = 1000000007; cons…