[USACO 13DEC]Vacation Planning(gold)】的更多相关文章

Description Air Bovinia operates flights connecting the N farms that the cows live on (1 <= N <= 20,000). As with any airline, K of these farms have been designated as hubs (1 <= K <= 200, K <= N). Currently, Air Bovinia offers M one-way fl…
题目翻译不好,这里给出一份 题目背景 Awson是某国际学校信竞组的一只大佬.由于他太大佬了,于是干脆放弃了考前最后的集训,开车(他可是老司机)去度假.离开学校前,他打开地图,打算做些规划. 题目描述 他发现整个地图中有N(1<=N<=20000)个地点.对于所有的路线,指定了其中K(1<=K<=200,K<=N)个地点作为收费站.他设计了M(1<=M<=20000 )种单向的路线,第i条路线从地点Ui至Vi收费为Di(1<=Di<=10000).路线…
4097: [Usaco2013 dec]Vacation Planning Description Air Bovinia is planning to connect the N farms (1 <= N <= 200) that the cows live on. As with any airline, K of these farms (1 <= K <= 100, K <= N) have been selected as hubs. The farms are…
Problem 2. Fruit Feast 很简单的智商题(因为碰巧脑出来了所以简单一,一 原题: Bessie has broken into Farmer John's house again! She has discovered a pile of lemons and a pile of oranges in the kitchen (effectively an unlimited number of each), and she is determined to eat as m…
Description Air Bovinia is planning to connect the N farms (1 <= N <= 200) that the cows live on. As with any airline, K of these farms (1 <= K <= 100, K <= N) have been selected as hubs. The farms are conveniently numbered 1..N, with farms…
最近刷水太多标注一下防止它淹没在silver的水题中……我成为了本题,第一个T掉的人QAQ [题目大意] Bovinia设计了连接N (1 < = N < = 20,000)个农场的航班.对于任何航班,指定了其中的k个农场作为枢纽. (1 < = K <= 200 , K < = N). 目前,共有M种单向航班( 1 < = M < = 20,000 ),第i个航班从农场u_i至农场v_i花费d_i ( 1 < = d_i < =10,000 )美元.…
1.Circular Barn   http://www.usaco.org/index.php?page=viewproblem2&cpid=621 贪心 #include <cstdio> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> using namespace std; long long sum(long long v) { )*(*v+)/; } int main()…
1.Angry Cows http://www.usaco.org/index.php?page=viewproblem2&cpid=597 dp题+vector数组运用 将从左向右与从右向左扫描结合.先从左到右DP,确定每个干草捆向右爆炸的最小半径,再从右到左,确定每个干草捆向左爆炸的最小半径.通过扫描每个干草捆,用这两个数字来确定我们应该设置初始引爆点的最佳位置. #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #include <v…
Problem 1. Empty Stalls 扫两遍即可. Problem 2. Line of Sight 我们发现能互相看见的一对点一定能同时看见粮仓的某一段.于是转换成有n段线段,问有多少对线段相交.可以按左端点排序,用优先队列维护右端点,弹出比左端点小的. 为了方便计算对数,我们可以先做一遍,再把每个线段都+2*pi,再计数. Problem 3. No Change (没有看到要买的东西必须是依次的..) 如果要依次买的话就显然可以用dp搞.…
题目描述 有N(1 <= N <= 200)个农场,用1..N编号.航空公司计划在农场间建立航线.对于任意一条航线,选择农场1..K中的农场作为枢纽(1 <= K <= 100, K <= N). 当前共有M (1 <= M <= 10,000)条单向航线连接这些农场,从农场u_i 到农场 v_i, 将花费 d_i美元.(1 <= d_i <= 1,000,000). 航空公司最近收到Q (1 <= Q <= 10,000)个单向航行请求.…