实验要求: Objective: To observe the Fourier spectrum by FFT and the average value of an image. Main requirements: Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matlab. Instruction manual: (a) Download Fig. 4.18(a) and compute its (centered) Fourier spectrum. (b…
以下这些实验中的代码全部是我自己编写调试通过的,到此,最后进行一下汇总. 数字图像处理实验(1):PROJECT 02-01, Image Printing Program Based on Halftoning (基于半色调技术的图像打印技术) 链接:http://blog.csdn.net/hongbin_xu/article/details/70340458 数字图像处理实验(2):PROJECT 02-02, Reducing the Number of Gray Levels in a…
080 01 Android 零基础入门 02 Java面向对象 01 Java面向对象基础 01 初识面向对象 05 单一职责原则 本文知识点:单一职责原则 说明:因为时间紧张,本人写博客过程中只是对知识点的关键步骤进行了截图记录,没有对截图步骤进行详细的文字说明(后面博主时间充裕了,会对目前的博客编辑修改,补充上详细的文字说明):有些步骤和相关知识点缺乏文字描述,可能会难以理解.读者如有不明之处,欢迎博客私信或者微信(本人微信在博客下方的"关于博主"处)与本人交流,共同进步. 单一…
实验要求: Objective: To further understand the well-known algorithm Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and verify its effectiveness to calculate the discrete Fourier transform (DFT). Main requirements: Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matlab. Instruction…
实验要求: Objective: To know how to implement image enhancement for color images by histogram processing. Note that the definition of histogram for color images differs from that of histogram for gray images. Main requirements: Ability of programming wit…
实验要求: 上面的实验要求中Objective(实验目的)部分是错误的. 然而在我拿到的大纲中就是这么写的,所以请忽视那部分,其余部分是没有问题的. 本实验是使用伪彩色强调突出我们感兴趣的灰度范围,在实验要求中制定了一些强调的对象.在程序中我们遍历所有的像素,判断其灰度级,如果在我们感兴趣的那一特定范围内,就使用彩色显示出来,即伪彩色图像处理. 实验代码: % close all; clc; clear all; % img = imread('Fig6.22(a).jpg'); figure;…
实验要求: Objective: To know what are Web-safe colors, how to generate the RGB components for a given jpeg color image, or convert an image to RGB manually? Main requirements: Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matlab. Instruction manual: In order to…
实验要求: Objective: To understand the principle of the notch filter and its periodic noise reducing ability. Main requirements: Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matlab. Instruction manual: (a) Write a program that implements sinusoidal noise of th…
实验要求: Objective: To understand the non-linearity of median filtering and its noise suppressing ability, especially for the pepper-noises, the salt-noises and the pepper-and-salt noises. Main requirements: Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matlab…
实验要求: Objective: To know how to generate noise images with different probability density functions (distributions). The noise images are useful in simulation for image enhancement and image restoration. Main requirements: Ability of programming with…