/********************************************************************************** * raspi-config Expand root partition to fill SD card 原理 * 说明: * 想知道树莓派是如何完成SD卡扩展的,记录相关文档. * * 2017-2-20 深圳 南山平山村 曾剑锋 *************************************************…
from: https://wandersick.blogspot.com/2016/06/resolving-root-partition-is-filling-up.html This is a quick guide on how to resolve an occasional problem that could happen to neglected Sophos UTM firewall with default settings, where updates are automa…
引言 之前,曾经在orpsoc的平台上,测试验证过其sd card controller的linux的驱动,但是并不是很完美,经过努力,终于在eCos下完成了其全部功能的验证,包括驱动层验证,文件系统的挂载,应用层的创建文件,打开文件,复制文件,源文件与复制文件的比较等,此外,还有创建目录,切换目录等操作. 本小节就分享一下整个验证过程. 关于基于orpsoc+linux下的sd card controller验证,请参考: http://blog.csdn.net/rill_zhen/arti…
Download any of the available images (xz archive) from Mega or GoogleDrive Download scriptbin_kernel.tar.gz, it contains the latest kernel (uImage) and script.bin Unpack the archive. Write the xxx.img file (disk image) to your SD Card on Linux use dd…
Path to SD card from jnius import autoclass # SDcard Android # Get path to SD card Android try: Environment = autoclass('android.os.Environment') sdpath = Environment.get_running_app().getExternalStorageDirectory() # Not on Android except: sdpath = A…
Boot your Orange PI board from EMMC without SD Card inserted login insert your SD Card Run: sudo install_to_sdcard [btrfs] Copy the Code Your emmc Linux installation will be transfered to SD Card You can boot from that SD Card on another or the same…
/**************************************************************************** * I.MX6 uSDHC SD card register * 声明: * 本文主要是记录SD card注册的相关流程及遇到的一些问题. * * 2015-12-20 深圳 南山平山村 曾剑锋 **************************************************************************…
原文网址:http://www.sandyscott.net/2013/08/14/virtualbox-direct-drive-access/ I’ve trying to get my Raspberry Pi working with a touchscreen (eGalax Touch). This blog post has been an incredible help, but I stumbled at the very last hurdle – modifying the…
Suumary: 简单介绍了一下SD卡的历史和发展,同时结合MX31 ADS上的WINCE 下SDHC驱动更深入的了解该硬件的一些行为特点. 了解SD card SD是Secure Digital Card卡的简称,直译成汉语就是“安全数字卡”,是由日本松下公司.东芝公司和美国SANDISK公司共同开发研制的全新的存储卡产品.SD存储卡是一个完全开放的标准(系统),多用于MP3.数码摄像机.数码相机.电子图书.AV器材等等,尤其是被广泛应用在超薄数码相机上.SD卡在外形上同Multimedia…
Using Android Phone to recover SD card formatted with DD command under linux 1. Formatted a sd card with dd command under linux 2.insert the sd card into an android phone,certainly the card is not find and used.. 3 reset the android phone with format…
SDM439平台出现部分机型SD卡不能识别mmc1: error -110 whilst initialising SD card 打印了如下的log: - ::>[ after ms - ::>[ 3079.000652] sdhci: =========== REGISTER DUMP (mmc1)=========== - ::>[ 3079.000655] sdhci: Sys addr: 0x00000000 | Version: 0x00004d02 - ::>[ 30…
没错,又碰到奇奇怪怪的SD Card  Lock 烂掉了 , 无法正常写入,不要急,千万不要扔了,拿起透明胶粘在 Lock 处,注意不要粘住金手指哦,再放回去就可以读写了,但是透明胶不耐摩擦,用了几次之后就烂掉了 ,好家伙,拿一些纸折成细条刚好塞住那个 lock 处,然后再贴上透明胶,这下应该会用的久一些了. 如果有502胶水什么的也可以,不过要小心一些处理就是了. 网上找的图片了...(版权归作者所有...如有侵权请通知怒删...)         …
目前开发遇到了某些SD卡和TI的SOC芯片的驱动不协调的地方,具体表现为: uboot 阶段初始化mmc dev 1 没有任何串口信息输出,无法读写mmc Kernel阶段报错”SD卡初始化失败 error -110 whilst initialising SD card“ 具体的原因是SD的某些CMD操作不支持,返回-110的错误,需要 uboot阶段,在dts中屏蔽掉: main_sdhci1: sdhci@4fb0000 {ti,otap-del-sel-legacy = <0x2>;/…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2c37dcxNto&feature=youtu.be 使用windows command prompt 强制删除 baidu/tempdata/con.dat (百度 con.dat ) del "\\ \D:\rubbish\baidu\tempdata\con.dat" 2. http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_8-files/a…
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  开发环境:…
https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/formatter_4/eula_mac/ SDFormatter Mac版是一款Mac OS平台上的sd卡修复工具,SDFormatter是一款比较好用的SD卡格式化工具,能够格式化SD存储卡和SDHC记忆Card(SD/SDHC 存储卡),使用遵照SD存储卡规格来格式化,并提供对SD存储卡的更快和容易的操作方式. 软件使用接口环境:USB reader/writer, 可以读和写SD/SDHC 存储卡的读卡器.…
SD失效的问题可能解决方案: 1.有可能是图片的url地址不对,有可能浏览器可以打开,但是这个地址浏览器是做了处理的,所以浏览器能打开. 2.如果图片地址是Http,那么就需要关闭ATS. ATS (App Transport Security) 新特性要求App内访问的网络必须使用HTTPS协议, 我们这里只是说明一下如何关闭该特性,让其可以访问http开头的网址. 关闭很简单,打开项目中的info.plist文件,在其中添加一个字典类型的项目App Transport Security Se…
上网DNS /var/run/NetworkManager/resolv.conf nameserver nameserver…
/********************************************************************************** * raspi-config Expand root partition to fill SD card 原理 * 说明: * 想知道树莓派是如何完成SD卡扩展的,记录相关文档. * * 2017-2-20 深圳 南山平山村 曾剑锋 *************************************************…
Android devices have a couple of partitions to store different data. The common ones are the recovery, boot, system, data and cache partitions. Almost every device has it’s own unique layout even though they come from the same manufacturer. I have se…
First, Clean VM all snapshot, and poweroff your VM. vmdk: vmware-vdiskmanager -x 16GB myDisk.vmdk vdi: VBoxManage modifyhd <absolute path to file> --resize <size in MB> And now, go to guest OS to resize partition. I have only one partition, an…
全文转载自 Scott Hanselman的博文. I bought a 3D printer on Friday, specifically a Printrbot Simple Metal from Amazon for US$599. I did a few days of research, looking at all the consumer models under $1000. Some were enclosed, others not. Some made of wood,…
http://techsplurge.com/4926/android-awesome-15-tasker-profiles-tutorials/ Yeah I know, there’s SetCPU app for under/over clocking CPU but it cannot be used to scale up or down when specific apps are launched or during a certain time period. So here’s…
HOWTO: Unpack, Edit, and Repack Boot Images http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=443994 Several people have already figured out the details on their own, but I have gotten requests to do a more comprehensive tutorial on how the boot and r…
几天前入手一块Cubieboard2,又买了张16G的TF卡,装个linux折腾折腾.以前都是在虚拟机上用linux,个人比较喜欢Fedora,因为总能用上最新版的软件,像支持C++11的GCC.Clang等.这次搜了搜,终于找到适用于Cubieboard2的压缩镜像:Fedora-Xfce-armhfp-20-a10-1-sda.raw.xz. 在TF卡上安装系统: 开始就按照README所讲,直接在Fedora20的虚拟机上用xzcat写入TF卡,然后重新插入进行挂载,不但写入非常慢,而且反…
Most of the Android user are using their Android phone just for calls, SMS, browsing and basic apps, But form the development prospective, we should know about  Android internal structure. Android uses several partitions (like boot, system, recovery,…
防静电 树莓派比较容易被静电损坏,要做好以下预防措施 使用的时候不要用手去触摸PCB和针脚!特别是上电之后! 拿板卡的时候,要习惯性拿板卡的边缘 勤洗手,勤摸墙壁,释放身上的静电 系统安装 8GB以上的Mirco SD卡 读卡器 将SD卡连接到电脑,格式化SD卡 在树莓派官网下载烧录程序,从左到右完成设置,写入SD卡 完成后将SD卡插入卡槽,首次启动还需要连接键盘鼠标和显示器(HDMI转接线),连接电源线后给树莓派上电,完成初始化设定. 使用命令行查询树莓派的硬件参数 查看CPU信息 $ lsc…
from: http://www.addictivetips.com/mobile/android-partitions-explained-boot-system-recovery-data-cache-misc/ Unless you have been using your Android phone just for calls, SMS, browsing and basic apps, you should know that Android uses several partiti…
安装petalinux 下载petalinux https://www.xilinx.com/support/download 下载 zcu102 ZCU102 BSP 安装petaLinux 把shell设置成bash(这一步看不懂的话可以忽略,因为有些人喜欢把shell设置为dash),具体设置方法是$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash 安装一些库(参考ug1144文档,下面为shell command) apt install build-essential vim t…
0x00 前言说明 最近买了一块Raspberry Pi Zero 2W来玩,目的是想搭建一台远程运行的个人服务器,上面放个博客.点个灯啥的.于是就有了这篇文章. 树莓派官网地址:https://www.raspberrypi.com/ 0x01 SSH连接 首先一开始买到手之后我是很懵的,于是在google上找到了以下几篇文章帮助了我很多. https://www.freesion.com/article/3840979679/ https://www.cnblogs.com/liaouser…