Types of Entity in Entity Framework: We created EDM for existing database in the previous section. As you have learned in the previous section that EDM contains entities for each table in the database. There are two types of Entities in Entity Framew…
以下系列文章为Entity Framework Turial Basics系列 http://www.entityframeworktutorial.net/EntityFramework5/entity-framework5-introduction.aspx ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…
Table-Valued Function in Entity Framework 5.0 Entity Framework 5.0 supports Table-valued functions of SQL Server. Table-valued functions are similar to stored procedure with one key difference: the result of TVF is composable which means that it can…
Update Entity Graph using DbContext: Updating an entity graph in disconnected scenario is a complex task. It is easy to add a new entity graph in disconnected mode, but to update an entity graph needs careful design consideration. The problem in upda…
Disconnected Entities: Before we see how to perform CRUD operation on disconnected entity graph, let's see how to associate disconnected entity graph with the new context instance. There are two things we need to do when we get a disconnected entity…
Querying with EDM: We have created EDM, DbContext, and entity classes in the previous sections. Here, you will learn the different types of queries an entity framework supports, which is in turn converted into SQL query for the underlaying database.…
Entity Framework Architecture The following figure shows the overall architecture of the Entity Framework. Let us now look at the components of the architecture individually: EDM (Entity Data Model): EDM consists of three main parts - Conceptual mode…
Local Data The Local property of DBSet provides simple access to the entities that are currently being tracked by the context, and have not been marked as Deleted. Local keeps track of entities whose entity state is added, modified and unchanged. For…
DBSet Class DBSet class represents an entity set that is used for create, read, update, and delete operations. A generic version of DBSet (DbSet<TEntity>) can be used when the type of entity is not known at build time. You can get the reference of D…
Setup Entity Framework Environment: Entity Framework 5.0 API was distributed in two places, in NuGet package and in .NET framework. The .NET framework 4.0/4.5 included EF core API, whereas EntityFramework.dll via NuGet package included EF 5.0 specifi…