Abbreviations Used in email Abbreviation Meanings ATM at the moment AFAIK as far as I know BTW by the way CU see you FWIW for what it's worth GR8 great GA go ahead HAND have a nice day HHOK ha ha only kidding INC in any case IOW in other words IDK I…
理解 Android 上的安全性 利用沙箱.应用程序签名和权限增强应用程序安全性 C. Enrique Ortiz, 开发人员兼作家, About Mobility Weblog C. Enrique Ortiz 是一位经验丰富的移动技术专家.开发人员和作家.他在 About Mobility 上撰写博客,他是 Austin chapter of MobileMonday 的创…