[LeetCode] Design HashMap 设计HashMap】的更多相关文章

Design a HashMap without using any built-in hash table libraries. To be specific, your design should include these functions: put(key, value) : Insert a (key, value) pair into the HashMap. If the value already exists in the HashMap, update the value.…
Design a HashSet without using any built-in hash table libraries. To be specific, your design should include these functions: add(value): Insert a value into the HashSet. contains(value) : Return whether the value exists in the HashSet or not. remove…
Design a simplified version of Twitter where users can post tweets, follow/unfollow another user and is able to see the 10 most recent tweets in the user's news feed. Your design should support the following methods: postTweet(userId, tweetId): Compo…
Design a Tic-tac-toe game that is played between two players on a n x n grid. You may assume the following rules: A move is guaranteed to be valid and is placed on an empty block.Once a winning condition is reached, no more moves is allowed.A player…
Note: For the coding companion problem, please see: Encode and Decode TinyURL. How would you design a URL shortening service that is similar to TinyURL? Background:TinyURL is a URL shortening service where you enter a URL such as https://leetcode.com…
LeetCode 622:设计循环队列 Design Circular Queue 首先来看看队列这种数据结构: 队列:先入先出的数据结构 在 FIFO 数据结构中,将首先处理添加到队列中的第一个元素. 如上图所示,队列是典型的 FIFO 数据结构.插入(insert)操作也称作入队(enqueue),新元素始终被添加在队列的末尾. 删除(delete)操作也被称为出队(dequeue). 你只能移除第一个元素. 队列 - 实现 为了实现队列,我们可以使用动态数组和指向队列头部的索引. 如上所述…
HashMap设计原理与实现(下篇)200行带你写自己的HashMap!!! 我们在上篇文章哈希表的设计原理当中已经大体说明了哈希表的实现原理,在这篇文章当中我们将自己动手实现我们自己的HashMap,完整的代码在文章末尾. 在本篇文章当中主要通过线性探测法,从最基本的数组再到HashMap当中节点的设计,一步一步的实现一个能够实现Key.Value映射的容器,写出我们自己的哈希表MyHashMap,让可以具备HashMap最常见的两个功能,put和get方法. 我们的数组当中应该存储什么样数据…
遍历HashMap和HashMap转换成List   /** * convert the map to the list(1) */ public static void main(String[] args) { Map<String, String> maps = new HashMap<String, String>(); maps.put("a", "aa"); maps.put("b", "bb&quo…
1. HashMap嵌套HashMap  传智播客          jc    基础班                      陈玉楼  20                      高跃     22          jy    就业班                      李杰     21                      曹石磊  23  先存储元素,然后遍历元素 2. 代码示例: package cn.itcast_05; import java.util.Hash…
一:== 和 equals == 比较引用的地址equals 比较引用的内容 (Object 类本身除外) String obj1 = new String("xyz"); String obj2 = new String("xyz"); // If String obj2 = obj1, the output will be true if(obj1 == obj2) System.out.printlln("obj1==obj2 is TRUE&quo…