Hospital Noise May Disrupt Patient Improvement Many who need restorative rest the most might not be able to get it. Why? They're in a hospital. (Noise) Even at night, a hospital can be a noisy place. And research has shown that these noise levels hav…
日常的OLTP环境中,有时会涉及到一些统计方面的SQL语句,这些语句可能消耗巨大,进而影响整体运行环境,这里我为大家介绍如何利用SQL Server中的”类MapReduce”方式,在特定的统计情形中不牺牲响应速度的情形下减少资源消耗. 我们可能经常会利用开窗函数对巨大的数据集进行分组统计排序.比如下面的例子: 脚本环境 /* This script creates two new tables in AdventureWorks: dbo.bigProduct dbo.bigTransacti…