#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> using namespace std; const int maxn = 500; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; struct Road { int _len; int _cost; }road[maxn][maxn]; int vis[maxn]; struct City { int…
1003 Emergency (25 分) As an emergency rescue team leader of a city, you are given a special map of your country. The map shows several scattered cities connected by some roads. Amount of rescue teams in each city and the length of each road between a…
1003 Emergency (25分) As an emergency rescue team leader of a city, you are given a special map of your country. The map shows several scattered cities connected by some roads. Amount of rescue teams in each city and the length of each road between…
1122 Hamiltonian Cycle (25 分) The "Hamilton cycle problem" is to find a simple cycle that contains every vertex in a graph. Such a cycle is called a "Hamiltonian cycle". In this problem, you are supposed to tell if a given cycle is a H…
1078 Hashing (25 分) The task of this problem is simple: insert a sequence of distinct positive integers into a hash table, and output the positions of the input numbers. The hash function is defined to be H(key)=key%TSize where TSize is the maximum s…
01-复杂度2 Maximum Subsequence Sum (25分) Given a sequence of K integers { N1,N2, ..., NK }. A continuous subsequence is defined to be { Ni,Ni+1, ..., Nj } where 1≤i≤j≤K. The Maximum Subsequence is the continuous subsequence which has…
1083 List Grades (25 分) Given a list of N student records with name, ID and grade. You are supposed to sort the records with respect to the grade in non-increasing order, and output those student records of which the grades are in a given interval. I…