What is event bubbling and capturing? 答案1 Event bubbling and capturing are two ways of event propagation in the HTML DOM API, when an event occurs in an element inside another element, and both elements have registered a handle for that event. The ev…
1.查看某用户下所有对象的信息: SELECT owner, object_type, status, COUNT(*) count# FROM all_objects where owner='xxx' GROUP BY owner, object_type, status order by ; 2.查看表行数(多个表)(需先分析表): select 'analyze table '|| table_name||' compute statistics;' from user_tables;…
SELECT * FROM DBA_HIST_SQLBIND WHERE SNAP_ID>67073 AND SNAP_ID<=67079 AND SQL_ID='3DR3410F086P4';SELECT * FROM v$sql_bind_capture where sql_id='' http://blog.itpub.net/22034023/viewspace-689802/ 通过v$sql_bind_capture视图,可以查看绑定变量,但是这个视图不太给力,只能捕获最后一次记录的…
1.监控事例的等待: select event,sum(decode(wait_time,0,0,1)) prev, sum(decode(wait_time,0,1,0)) curr,count(*) from v$session_wait group by event order by 4; 2.回滚段的争用情况: select name,waits,gets,waits/gets ratio from v$rollstat a,v$rollname b where a.usn=b.usn;…
遭遇cpu过多占用,表现为%usr很高,top 或者topas中cpu占用最多的进程为oracle server process. 则根据pid可以找出该pid对应的sql_text select se.username,se.machine,sq.cpu_time,sq.sql_text from v$process p,v$session se,v$sqlarea sq where p.addr=se.paddr and se.sql_hash_value=sq.hash_value and…
在缺乏的可视化工具来监控数据库性能的情形下,常用的脚本就派上用场了,下面提供几个关于Oracle性能相关的脚本供大家参考.以下脚本均在Oracle 10g测试通过,Oracle 11g可能要做相应调整. 1.寻找最多BUFFER_GETS开销的SQL 语句 --filename: top_sql_by_buffer_gets.sql --Identify heavy SQL (Get the SQL with heavy BUFFER_GETS) SET LINESIZE 190 COL sql…
监控SQL 1.监控事例的等待: select event,sum(decode(wait_time,0,0,1)) prev, sum(decode(wait_time,0,1,0)) curr,count(*) from v$session_wait group by event order by 4; 2.回滚段的争用情况: select name,waits,gets,waits/gets ratio from v$rollstat a,v$rollname b where a.usn=…
Version 11.1 General Purpose Try dbms_session.reset_package. This call will reset all packages variables to their defaults (and will close and flush all cached cursors and free other resources, too, but it will not reset system contexts and it will…
定位热链的方法 declare v_num number;begin for i in 1..1000000 loop select sal into v_num from emp where ename='SMITH'; end loop;end;/ declare v_num number;begin for i in…
from itpub --1.查询碎片程度高的表--条件为什么block>100,因为一些很小的表,只有几行数据实际大小很小,但是block一次性分配就是5个(11g开始默认一次性分配1M的block大小了,见create table storged的NEXT参数),5个block相对于几行小表数据来说就相差太大了.--算法中/0.9是因为块的pfree一般为10%,所以一个块最多只用了90%,而且一行数据大于8KB时容易产生行链接,把一行分片存储,一样的一个块连90%都用不满.--AVG_RO…
We're going to use rootScope emit here to send out events and then we're going to listen for them in the run block. We're going to use rootScope on down in the run block to listen for the same event that we sent out to the system. angular .module('ap…