Light Probes 光照探针 Only static objects are considered by Unity’s Baked or Precomputed Realtime GI systems. In order for dynamic objects such as interactive scene elements or characters to pick up some of the rich bounced light that our static geomet…
Light Types 灯光类型 We have now covered some of the project settings which need to be considered before beginning work on lighting your scenes in Unity. Hopefully at this point you should have your project configured appropriately for your target plat…
The Precompute Process 预计算过程 In Unity, precomputed lighting is calculated in the background - either as an automatic process, or it is initiated manually. In either case, it is possible to continue working in the editor while these processes run be…
Choosing a Lighting Technique 选择照明技术 Broadly speaking, lighting in Unity can be considered as either ‘realtime’ or ‘precomputed’ in some way and bot…
内置变量都在UnityShaderVariables.cginc文件中声明 变换矩阵 All these matrices arefloat4x4 type. Name Value UNITY_MATRIX_MVP Current model * view * projection matrix. 从object space转到 projection space UNITY_MATRIX_MV Current model * view matrix. 从object space转到camera…