Queue,Queue 用于多线程之间,无需lock的通信: collections.deque 用于实现数据结构中的queue, 或两端都可以实现queue的功能. Queue.Queue and collections.deque serve different purposes. Queue.Queue is i…
问题描述: 本来项目运行的好好的,搬了一次办公室(电脑主机一起搬的),第二天的时候就登录不了了. php版本和扩展没有改变,且没有修改任何配置,我尝试重启php5-fpm 服务,又重启nginx服务,再登录还是老样子. 报错如下: exception 'yii\base\ErrorException' with message 'Class 'MongoClient' not found' in /home/user/YiiProject/src/vendor/yiisoft/yii2-mong…
站点信息同步失败 An unknown error occurred. May be DNS Error. (ERRCODE:1) 经过Discuz教程网(逐一排查代码,发现是:source\plugin\manyou\Service\Client\Restful.php 文件里的一处请求超时时间设置太短,所以解决办法就是将超时间改大点,具体修改如下:搜索找到: $result = $this->_fsockopen($url, 0, $dat…
The only printer in the computer science students' union is experiencing an extremely heavy workload. Sometimes there are a hundred jobs in the printer queue and you may have to wait for hours to get a single page of output. Because some jobs are mor…
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You unde…
1 详细异常 ct 10 21:27:31 postfix/pickup[4801]: warning: 6BD991A0039: message has been queue Oct 10 21:27:31 postfix/pickup[4801]: warning: 6D5FD1A003A: message has been queue Oct 10 21:27:31 postfix/pickup[4801]: warning: 6EA15C1191: message has been qu…
AMQP 0-9-1 Model Explained — RabbitMQ AMQP 0-9-1 Model Explained About This Guide This guide provides an overview of the the AMQP 0-9-1 protocol, one of the protocols supported by RabbitMQ. High-l…
数组实现 package DataStructures.Queues; /** * This implements Queues by using the class Queue. * <p> * A queue data structure functions the same as a real world queue. * The elements that are added first are the first to be removed. * New elements are a…
先看一个很简单的例子 #coding:utf8 import Queue #queue是队列的意思 q=Queue.Queue(maxsize=10) #创建一个queue对象 for i in range(9): q.put(i) #放入元素 while not q.empty():#检测元素是否为空 print q.get(),#读取元素 #默认为先进先出 如果需要一个无限长或者先进后出的队列 #创建一个无限长的队列,如果maxsize小于1就表示队列长度无限. q1=Queue.Queue…