man 手册--nc NCAT(1) Ncat Reference Guide NCAT(1) NAME ncat - Concatenate and redirect sockets SYNOPSIS ncat [OPTIONS...] [hostname] [port] DESCRIPTION Ncat is a feature-packed networking utility which reads and writes data across networks from the com…
原文 示例提供者安装 (+) (#) 安装: wget tar zxvf dubbo-demo-provider-2.4.1-assembly.tar.gz cd dubbo-demo-provider-2.4.1 配置: vi conf/…
Eclipse上GIT插件EGIT使用手册 一_安装EGIT插件 或者使用Eclipse Marketplace,搜索EGit 二_使用EGIT前的配置 配置个人信息,最重要的是user.name和 l Preferences > Team > Git > Configuration l New Entry 三_新建GIT仓库 新建NC module project l File…