系统:Centos 6.4 64位: FreeSWITCH版本:1.5 具体的安装过程参考FreeSWITCH 官网wiki (也可以参考我的博客<Centos6安装FreeSWITCH>) 从FreeSWITCH 安装过程./configure 时遇到sqlite 的问题开始: checking for sqlite3 >= 3.6.20… Package sqlite3 was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you…
在centos6安装ES的时候遇到不少问题.这里记录日志.以后安装一定要升级centos7,别说啥稳定问题了,该升级就升级. [1]: max file descriptors [4096] for elasticsearch process is too low, increase to at least [65536] [2]: max number of threads [1024] for user [es] is too low, increase to at least [2048]…