[leetcode-753-Open the Lock]】的更多相关文章

There is a box protected by a password. The password is n digits, where each letter can be one of the first k digits 0, 1, ..., k-1. You can keep inputting the password, the password will automatically be matched against the last n digits entered. Fo…
原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/open-the-lock/ 题目: You have a lock in front of you with 4 circular wheels. Each wheel has 10 slots: '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'. The wheels can rotate freely and wrap around: for example we c…
You have a lock in front of you with 4 circular wheels. Each wheel has 10 slots: '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'. The wheels can rotate freely and wrap around: for example we can turn '9' to be '0', or '0' to be '9'. Each move consis…
题目 You have a lock in front of you with 4 circular wheels. Each wheel has 10 slots: '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'. The wheels can rotate freely and wrap around: for example we can turn '9' to be '0', or '0' to be '9'. Each move con…
753. 破解保险箱 有一个需要密码才能打开的保险箱.密码是 n 位数, 密码的每一位是 k 位序列 0, 1, -, k-1 中的一个 . 你可以随意输入密码,保险箱会自动记住最后 n 位输入,如果匹配,则能够打开保险箱. 举个例子,假设密码是 "345",你可以输入 "012345" 来打开它,只是你输入了 6 个字符. 请返回一个能打开保险箱的最短字符串. 示例1: 输入: n = 1, k = 2 输出: "01" 说明: "1…
By now, you are given a secret signature consisting of character 'D' and 'I'. 'D' represents a decreasing relationship between two numbers, 'I' represents an increasing relationship between two numbers. And our secret signature was constructed by a s…
You have a lock in front of you with 4 circular wheels. Each wheel has 10 slots: '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'. The wheels can rotate freely and wrap around: for example we can turn '9' to be '0', or '0' to be '9'. Each move consis…
Leetcode之广度优先搜索(BFS)专题-752. 打开转盘锁(Open the Lock) BFS入门详解:Leetcode之广度优先搜索(BFS)专题-429. N叉树的层序遍历(N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal) 你有一个带有四个圆形拨轮的转盘锁.每个拨轮都有10个数字: '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' .每个拨轮可以自由旋转:例如把 '9' 变为  '0','0' 变为 '9' .每次旋…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 日期 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/open-the-lock/description/ 题目描述 You have a lock in front of you with 4 circular wheels. Each wheel has 10 slots: '0', '1', '2', '3', '4',…
题目: 你有一个带有四个圆形拨轮的转盘锁.每个拨轮都有10个数字: '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' .每个拨轮可以自由旋转:例如把 '9' 变为 '0','0'变为 '9' .每次旋转都只能旋转一个拨轮的一位数字. 锁的初始数字为 '0000' ,一个代表四个拨轮的数字的字符串. 列表 deadends 包含了一组死亡数字,一旦拨轮的数字和列表里的任何一个元素相同,这个锁将会被永久锁定,无法再被旋转. 字符串 target 代表可…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 题目地址: https://leetcode.com/problems/cracking-the-safe/description/ 题目描述: There is a box protected by a password. The password is n digits, where each letter can be one of the first k digits 0, 1…
There is a ball in a maze with empty spaces and walls. The ball can go through empty spaces by rolling up (u), down (d), left (l) or right (r), but it won't stop rolling until hitting a wall. When the ball stops, it could choose the next direction. T…
请点击页面左上角 -> Fork me on Github 或直接访问本项目Github地址:LeetCode Solution by Swift    说明:题目中含有$符号则为付费题目. 如:[Swift]LeetCode156.二叉树的上下颠倒 $ Binary Tree Upside Down 请下拉滚动条查看最新 Weekly Contest!!! Swift LeetCode 目录 | Catalog 序        号 题名Title 难度     Difficulty  两数之…
突然很想刷刷题,LeetCode是一个不错的选择,忽略了输入输出,更好的突出了算法,省去了不少时间. dalao们发现了任何错误,或是代码无法通过,或是有更好的解法,或是有任何疑问和建议的话,可以在对应的随笔下面评论区留言,我会及时处理,在此谢过了. 过程或许会很漫长,也很痛苦,慢慢来吧. 编号 题名 过题率 难度 1 Two Sum 0.376 Easy 2 Add Two Numbers 0.285 Medium 3 Longest Substring Without Repeating C…
645. Set Mismatch The set S originally contains numbers from 1 to n. But unfortunately, due to the data error, one of the numbers in the set got duplicated to another number in the set, which results in repetition of one number and loss of another nu…
All LeetCode Questions List(Part of Answers, still updating) 题目汇总及部分答案(持续更新中) Leetcode problems classified by company 题目按公司分类(Last updated: October 2, 2017) .   Top Interview Questions # Title Difficulty Acceptance 1 Two Sum Medium 17.70% 2 Add Two N…
终于将LeetCode的免费题刷完了,真是漫长的第一遍啊,估计很多题都忘的差不多了,这次开个题目汇总贴,并附上每道题目的解题连接,方便之后查阅吧~ 如果各位看官们,大神们发现了任何错误,或是代码无法通过OJ,或是有更好的解法,或是有任何疑问,意见和建议的话,请一定要在对应的帖子下面评论区留言告知博主啊(如果不方便注册博客园的话,可以下载下文提到的APP,在Feedback中给博主发邮件交流哈),同时也请大家踊跃地,大量地,盲目地提供各个题目的follow up一起讨论哈,多谢多谢,祝大家刷得愉快…
Given an Android 3x3 key lock screen and two integers m and n, where 1 ≤ m ≤ n ≤ 9, count the total number of unlock patterns of the Android lock screen, which consist of minimum of m keys and maximum n keys. Rules for a valid pattern: Each pattern m…
Given an Android 3x3 key ≤ m ≤ n ≤ , count the total number of unlock patterns of the Android lock screen, which consist of minimum of m keys and maximum n keys. Rules for a valid pattern: Each pattern must connect at least m keys and at most n keys.…
There is a box protected by a password. The password is n digits, where each letter can be one of the first k digits 0, 1, ..., k-1. You can keep inputting the password, the password will automatically be matched against the last n digits entered. Fo…
题外话:LeetCode上一个测试用例总是通不过(我在文章末贴出通不过的测试用例),给的原因是超出运行时间,我拿那个测试用例试了下2.037ms运行完.我自己强行给加了这句: && max == && heightSize == ) ; 能力不行,不要脸来凑. 题目: 给定 n 个非负整数表示每个宽度为 1 的柱子的高度图,计算按此排列的柱子,下雨之后能接多少雨水. 上面是由数组 [0,1,0,2,1,0,1,3,2,1,2,1] 表示的高度图,在这种情况下,可以接 6 个…
You have a lock in front of you with 4 circular wheels. Each wheel has 10 slots: '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'. The wheels can rotate freely and wrap around: for example we can turn '9' to be '0', or '0' to be '9'. Each move consis…
子集和问题:给定一组数和一个值,从这组数中选出若干个数使其和为给定的值.这是个NPC问题. 1.https://leetcode.com/problems/counting-bits/#/solutions 给定一非负Integer num,求[0,num]每个数的二进制形式中1的个数  f[num+1]. 解法:可用最朴素的方法逐个求,但其实有规律: f[i] = f[i / ] + i % 或  f[i] = f[i&(i-)] + ; 2.Single Number:一组Integer类型…
You have a lock in front of you with 4 circular wheels. Each wheel has 10 slots: '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'. The wheels can rotate freely and wrap around: for example we can turn '9' to be '0', or '0' to be '9'. Each move consis…
第一题:二进制间距 问题: 给定一个正整数 N,找到并返回 N 的二进制表示中两个连续的 1 之间的最长距离. 如果没有两个连续的 1,返回 0 . 示例 1: 输入:22 输出:2 解释: 22 的二进制是 0b10110 . 在 22 的二进制表示中,有三个 1,组成两对连续的 1 . 第一对连续的 1 中,两个 1 之间的距离为 2 . 第二对连续的 1 中,两个 1 之间的距离为 1 . 答案取两个距离之中最大的,也就是 2 . 示例 2: 输入:5 输出:2 解释: 5 的二进制是 0…
第1114题 我们提供了一个类: public class Foo {   public void one() { print("one"); }   public void two() { print("two"); }   public void three() { print("three"); } } 三个不同的线程将会共用一个 Foo 实例. 线程 A 将会调用 one() 方法 线程 B 将会调用 two() 方法 线程 C 将会调用…
We are given a 2-dimensional grid. "." is an empty cell, "#" is a wall, "@" is the starting point, ("a", "b", ...) are keys, and ("A", "B", ...) are locks. We start at the starting poin…
Given an Android 3x3 key lock screen and two integers m and n, where 1 ≤ m ≤ n ≤ 9, count the total number of unlock patterns of the Android lock screen, which consist of minimum of m keys and maximum n keys. Rules for a valid pattern: Each pattern m…
Leetcode之广度优先搜索(BFS)专题-773. 滑动谜题(Sliding Puzzle) BFS入门详解:Leetcode之广度优先搜索(BFS)专题-429. N叉树的层序遍历(N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal) 相同思路的题目:Leetcode之广度优先搜索(BFS)专题-752. 打开转盘锁(Open the Lock) 相同思路的题目2:Leetcode之广度优先搜索(BFS)专题-127. 单词接龙(Word Ladder) 在一个 2 x 3…
Leetcode之广度优先搜索(BFS)专题-127. 单词接龙(Word Ladder) BFS入门详解:Leetcode之广度优先搜索(BFS)专题-429. N叉树的层序遍历(N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal) 相同思路的题目:Leetcode之广度优先搜索(BFS)专题-752. 打开转盘锁(Open the Lock) 给定两个单词(beginWord 和 endWord)和一个字典,找到从 beginWord 到 endWord 的最短转换序列的长度.…