apache服务器启动时提示httpd: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for 在RedHat Linux 5 与 CentOS 5服务器上配置好apache后,启动或者关闭时总要报个错: httpd: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for XX(主机名) httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using 127.0…
主要参考这篇 http://apps.hi.baidu.com/share/detail/15868128 但还是遇到一些问题,记录如下: 1. 配置完成后,restart apache,出现 the requested operation has failed 查看log,有 httpd.exe: Syntax error on line 129 of F:/work_soft/www/server/apache/conf/httpd.conf: Can't locate API module…
在安装apache后, 启动apache时提示The requested operation has failed错误: 通过一排除 cd apache 安装的Bin目录cmd如下秘密(双引号中的内容为服务名称) httpd.exe -w -n “Apache2.2” -k start 得到如下错误“serverRoot must be a valid directory” 再次baidu,在一个阴暗的角落发现一种猜测,apache不能安装到中文目录中. 卸载-->重启-->重新安装. OK,…