1.mysql http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/index.html 安装 sudo apt-get install update sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.5 mysql-client-5.5 2.安装web.py sudo apt-get install python-pip sudo pip install web.py html模板 $def with(todos) $if todos=='me'…
1.mysql http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/tutorial.html mysql+python http://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-python/en/connector-python-examples.html 先打开数据库连接: conn=mdb.connect(host="localhost",user='root',passwd='******',db='sensor',charset='ut…
After damaging the GPIO port on our raspberry pi while designing a new solar monitoring system we decided that it might be a good idea to build a buffer/level translator to protect the GPIO pins from over voltage and ESD spikes.  The board would need…
在这个项目中,我们将使用Python来构建一个由Micro:bit触发树莓派Raspberry Pi和相机模块的自拍器.这是开始使用硬件和简单文本编程的好方法. 我们将学习: 如何设置Raspberry Pi相机 如何在Micro:bit和Raspberry Pi上使用输入和输出引脚 用Python代码控制GPIO引脚 用Python代码控制相机模块 材料: 带有SD卡和常规外围设备的Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi camera module Micro:bit USB A…
Raspberry Pi & GPIO pinout === pin out / p in out pi@raspberrypi:~ $ pinout ,--------------------------------. | oooooooooooooooooooo J8 +==== | 1ooooooooooooooooooo | USB | +==== | Pi Model 3B V1.2 | | +----+ +==== | |D| |SoC | | USB | |S| | | +====…
Project Description Pi# (pronounced “Pi Sharp”) is a library to expose the GPIO functionality of the Raspberry Pi computer to the C# and Visual Basic.Net languages. Also included is the Pi# simulator which runs under Windows, OSX or Linux to allow yo…
目前打算由潛入深慢慢學習RaspBerry Pi, 所以先由最容易下手的Python進入樹莓派的世界 首先要使用 GPIO 需要利用RPI.GPIO package想當然爾必須先安裝 所以先執行下列命令進行安裝 sudo apt-get install rpi.gpio 則可以使用的IO可以透過下列命令檢查, 可以得到IO相關狀態 gpio readall 最後附上GPIO H/L的簡易程式, 相關說明可以超聯結這裡 RPi.GPIO module basics import RPi.GPIO…
在 树莓派(Raspberry PI) 中使用 Docker 运行 MySQL 本文主要利用 biarms 提供的 Dockerfile 进行安装. 笔者最新发现! MySQL 5.7 Docker Container for Raspberry Pi using Debian Sid 解决Pi3不能安装MySQL5.7问题. Github dockerfile 地址 : https://github.com/lobbywatch Docke hub docker pull ibex/debia…
树莓派 Raspberry PI之GPIO 树莓派各版本硬件原理图:https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/hardware/raspberrypi/README.md 配置 两个5V,3.3V输出端口 IO输入输出电压0-3.3V 支持输出PWM 两路SPI总线 两路IIC总线 一路串口 GPIO python库 GPIO Zero库:https://gpiozero.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ 安装GPIO Zero库步骤…
1.   How To Install Linux & Nginx & MySQL & PHP (LEMP) stack on Raspberry Pi 3         Raspberry Pi 3,LEMP,Linux,Nginx,PHP(PHP-FPM), MySQL(MariaDB)           Nginx (pronounced "Engine x") is a free, open-source, high-performance HTTP…