【java】Could not find or load main class】的更多相关文章

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18093928/what-does-could-not-find-or-load-main-class-mean A common problem that new Java developers experience is that their programs fail to run with the error message: Could not find or load main class ... What d…
1.0.0 Summary Tittle:[Java]-NO.16.EBook.4.Java.1.012-[疯狂Java讲义第3版 李刚]-  JDBC Style:EBook Series:Java Since:2017-10-08 End:.... Total Hours:... Degree Of Diffculty:2 Degree Of Mastery:2 Practical Level:2 Desired Goal:2 Archieve Goal:.... Gerneral Eval…
1.0.0 Summary Tittle:[Java]-NO.20.Exam.1.Java.1.001-[1z0-807] Style:EBook Series:Java Since:2017-10-22 End:.... Total Hours:... Degree Of Diffculty:2 Degree Of Mastery:2 Practical Level:2 Desired Goal:2 Archieve Goal:.... Gerneral Evaluation:... Writ…
1.0.0 Summary Tittle:[Java]-NO.16.EBook.4.Java.1.008-[疯狂Java讲义第3版 李刚]- 集合 Style:EBook Series:Java Since:2017-09-22 End:.... Total Hours:... Degree Of Diffculty:2 Degree Of Mastery:2 Practical Level:2 Desired Goal:2 Archieve Goal:.... Gerneral Evaluat…
1.0.0 Summary Tittle:[Java]-NO.11.Java.1.Log4j.1.001-[Log4j2 Manual]- Style:Java Series:Log4j Since:2017-04-24 End:2017-05-07 Total Hours:30+ Degree Of Diffculty:5 Degree Of Mastery:5 Practical Level:5 Desired Goal:5 Archieve Goal:3 Gerneral Evaluati…
[JAVA]虚拟机指令集 – – – 0x00 nop 什么都不做 0x01 aconst_null 将null推送至栈顶 0x02 iconst_m1 将int型-1推送至栈顶 0x03 iconst_0 将int型0推送至栈顶 0x04 iconst_1 将int型1推送至栈顶 0x05 iconst_2 将int型2推送至栈顶 0x06 iconst_3 将int型3推送至栈顶 0x07 iconst_4 将int型4推送至栈顶 0x08 iconst_5 将int型5推送至栈顶 0x09…
在使用Selector时首先需要通过静态方法open创建Selector对象 public static Selector open() throws IOException { return SelectorProvider.provider().openSelector(); } 可以看到首先是调用SelectorProvider的静态方法provider,得到一个Selector的提供者 public static SelectorProvider provider() { synchro…
>不用代理 有时候,我希望在一些方法前后都打印一些日志,于是有了如下代码. 这是一个处理float类型加法的方法,我想在调用它前打印一下参数,调用后打印下计算结果.(至于为什么不直接用+号运算,见[Java]Float计算不准确) package com.nicchagil.study.java.demo.No09代理.No01不用代理; import java.math.BigDecimal; public class FloatCalculator { public float add(fl…
这本来不是一个问题,利用框架本来有的方法.或者File类的getPath()方法,取出要推断文件路径.或者getName()方法取出文件路径,成为一个String字符串如果为fileName之后,再对带哦用这fileName的endsWith("txt")方法,得到的布尔值就能推断其是否txt文件.这本来没什么好说,但会出现什么呢?比方要推断是否为图片文件,尤其是一些上传系统中,你的推断条件就要写成例如以下的形式: if (fileName.endsWith(".jpg&qu…
[转]emulator: ERROR: Could not load OpenGLES emulation library: lib64OpenglRender.so ./emulator64-arm -avd <AVD_name> emulator: ERROR: Could not load OpenGLES emulation library: lib64OpenglRender.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or di…