转帖: 另外可以参考: 组件的拆分可以参考:,此网站上列出了很多的游戏开发中的设计模式,非常值得认真研读. 论坛里的讨论也很有价值:https://…
原文地址: This article is reproduced, the original address: In Unity 4.5 we got a nice (undocumented) built-i…
Lab 1: Using a Unity Container 实验1:使用一个Unity容器 Estimated time to complete this lab: 15 minutes 估计完成时间:15分钟 Introduction 介绍 In this lab, you will practice using a Unity container to create application objects and wire them together. You will update a…
我在Unity里做NGUI的时候发现一个问题. 在Unity2D场景当中,一个精灵图片只要加上了Box Collider或者Box Collider2D,就可以相应OnMouseEnter和OnMouseExit事件,而到了NGUI里就不能响应了. 这真是一个大坑 虽然说NGUI提供了按钮组件,但是如果我们想要自己定制一个按钮的话,失效的那两个事件是不可或缺的. 在网上找了很久,我依旧没能找到相关问题的回答,是的,似乎很少有人碰到这个问题(难道是我新手的原因?). 故私再次记录下我的解决方法.…
本文转自 Custom List, displaying data your way In this Unity C# tutorial you will create a custom visualization for arrays and lists in the editor. You will learn to create a custom editor use S…
Unity is the most exciting and popular engine used for developing games. With its 2018 release, Unity has become the primary source of both game development and virtual reality content. This book covers the following exciting features: Understand cor…
原地址: Windows 8 is a new OS with a Windows Store where you can distribute your apps to millions of users world wide, for both PC, laptops and tablets. You can se…
转载: Assets, Objects and serialization Checked with version: 2017.3 - Difficulty: Advanced This is the second chapter in a series of articles covering Assets, Re…
Regular frustum culling only renders objects within the camera’s view. This is automatic and always happens. Unity ensures that when rendering your objects those which are completely outside of this frustum are not displayed. This is called Frustum C…