2.2 节的练习 2.2.1 考虑下面的上下文无关文法: S -> S S + | S S * | a 试说明如何使用该文法生成串 aa+a* 试为这个串构造一颗语法分析树 ⧗ 该文法生成的语言是什么?试证明 解答 S -> S S * -> S S + S * -> a S + S * -> a a + S * -> a a + a * 把 a 看成是运算数,L = {支持加法和乘法的表达式的后缀表示形式} 2.2.2 下面各个文法生成什么语言?证明你的每一个答案 S…
Conferences ACM SEACM Southeast Regional Conference ACM Southeast Regional Conference the oldest, continuously running, annual conference of the ACM. ACMSE provides an excellent forum for both faculty and students to present their research in a frien…
Hive Web Interface(HWI)简介:Hive自带了一个Web-GUI,功能不多,可用于效果展示,如果没有安装Hue的话,是个不错的选择. 由于hive-bin包中没有包含HWI的页面,只有Java代码编译好的jar包:hive-hwi-1.0.1.jar 因此需要下载源码从中提取jsp文件并打包成war文件到hive-lib目录中: cd apache-hive-1.0.1-src/hwi jar cfM hive-hwi-1.0.1.war -C web . 最后将hive-h…
3.4. VariablesIn Java, every variable has a type. You declare a variable by placing the type first, followed by the name of the variable. Here are some examples: double salary; int vacationDays; long earthPopulation; boolean done; Notice the semicolo…