Solution 双倍经验 就是记搜嘛. 搞一个二维数组记录一下当前的最长滑雪路径,其他和普通 dfs 没什么两样. 向 \(4\) 个方向搜索,如果高度符合就 \(+1\) . 多测要注意数组初始化. 具体见代码. Code #include<iostream> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; int n,m,a[105][105],b[105][105],maxx,t; int d…
Problem C Longest Run on a Snowboard Input: standard input Output: standard output Time Limit: 5 seconds Memory Limit: 32 MB   Michael likes snowboarding. That's not very surprising, since snowboarding is really great. The bad thing is that in order…
Longest Run on a Snowboard Input: standard input Output: standard output Time Limit: 5 seconds Memory Limit: 32 MB Michael likes snowboarding. That's not very surprising, since snowboarding is really great. The bad thing is that in order to gain spee…
Problem C Longest Run on a Snowboard Input: standard input Output: standard output Time Limit: 5 seconds Memory Limit: 32 MB Michael likes snowboarding. That's not very surprising, since snowboarding is really great. The bad thing is that in order to…
2018-07-30 22:05:52 问题描述: 问题求解: 本题个人感觉还是挺有意思的,题目要求的是最长的文件路径,其实是需要keep tracking路径长度,如果出现文件则需要进行比较,看是否为当前的最大长度. 难点就在于如何keep tracking,不妨将文件的路径旋转90度,那么就可以看到很明显的层次结构,我们可以使用一个栈来维护不同层次的信息,想到这里本题其实基本已经解决了一大半,剩下的就是层次关系的判断,显然和\t有关,那么对这个再进行分析,就很快可以得到解. 这里需要注意的是…
题意:和最长滑雪路径一样, #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include <cmath> #include<stack> #include<vector> #include<map> #include<set> #include<queue> #include<algorithm> #define mod=1…
[Link]: [Description] 在一个r*c的格子上; 求最长的下降路径; [Solution] 记忆化搜索; f[x][y]表示从(x,y)这个格子往下还能走多远; 因为是严格递增,所以有单调性. [NumberOf WA] 0 [Reviw] [Code] #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N = 100+10; const int dx[5] = {0,1,-1,0,0}; const int dy…
题意:在一个R*C(R, C<=100)的整数矩阵上找一条高度严格递减的最长路.起点任意,但每次只能沿着上下左右4个方向之一走一格,并且不能走出矩阵外.矩阵中的数均为0~100. 分析:dp[x][y]为从位置(x,y)出发的最长路. #pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:102400000, 102400000") #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cstdlib>…
Given a binary tree, find the length of the longest path where each node in the path has the same value. This path may or may not pass through the root. Note: The length of path between two nodes is represented by the number of edges between them. Ex… 题意: 在一个R*C的整数矩阵上找一条高度严格递减的最长路.起点任意,但每次只能沿着上下左右4个方向之一走一格,并且不能走出矩阵外. 思路: DAG上的最长路问题.由于起点不固定,我们每个点都需要试一遍. #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<cstring> #include<sstream> #include<algorit…