刚搭建完mysql 8.0以后会: 一.表区分大小写, 二.执行正确的sql语句成功且会报:[Err] 1055 - Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause and ....错误. 版本是mysql 5.6或 myql 8.0以下方案解决 : 1.安装完后,执行sql语句没问题,但是会报错:在/etc/my.cnf数据库的配置文件加上下面这段配置然后重启mysql服务 sql_mode=STRICT_TRANS_TAB…
mysql5.7执行sql语句报错:In aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #1 of SELECT list contains nonaggregated column 'yunva_changke.u.user_id'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by 1.方法1,需要重启mysql服务 编辑/etc/my.cnf文件,加入如下参数,重启mysql sql_m…
SQL语句报错(一) 1.具体报错如下: ORA-01861:文字格式字符串不匹配 01861. 00000 - "literal does not match format string" *Cause:Literals in the put must be the same length as literals in the format string (with the exception of leading whitespace). If the "FX"…
问题描述: 今天一同事在mysql中执行SQL语句的时候,报了/tmp空间不足的问题,报错如下: [SQL] SELECT f.prov as 字段1, MAX( CASE f.flag_name WHEN '字段1' THEN f.num ELSE 0 END ) AS '字段1', MAX( CASE f.flag_name WHEN '店员量' THEN f.num ELSE 0 END ) AS '字段1', MAX( CASE f.flag_name WHEN '字段1' THEN f…
MySQL server has gone away 解决的方法其实很简单,我相信也有很多人遇到了这个问题.比如DZ论坛,安装好服务器,但是清空缓存等操作数据库的动作,运行时间稍长就会出现 MySQL server has gone away 问题. 其实只要在 my.ini 中添加以下代码: wait_timeout=2880000 interactive_timeout =2880000 max_allowed_packet=10M 这样的话就能很好的解决 MySQL server has…
EXPLAIN EXTENDED 1先执行 EXPLAIN EXTENDED 2 show warnings: EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT * FROM `receivable_application_relation` d WHERE d.`application_id` IN (SELECT id FROM application WHERE application_code IN ( 'ZYHT20190305192721001', 'ZYHT20190309152…